Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Role Modle

David Burrell English 9 Mr. Kinrick 20 May 2012 Male Role Models, Do Boys Need Them or Not? Good examples can impact little fellows in great manners and in awful ways. Great good examples can support little youngsters create positive qualities and terrible good examples can support little youngsters create negative attributes. All in all, great good examples help little fellows set great objectives, grow great qualities and use sound judgment. It is intriguing that occasionally, an awful good example can affect a little youngster. For instance, a little fellow can watch awful conduct and conclude that he wouldn't like to duplicate that terrible behavior.However, this is a special case. All in all, little youngsters should look to duplicate the conduct of good examples and stay away from terrible good examples. As little fellows develop into men, they build up their qualities and figure out how to settle on choices and how to pick directly from wrong. Little youngsters need great male good examples. In the four stories secured by this paper, are instances of young men following good examples. Some follow great good examples and some pick terrible ones. In Old Man and the Sea, there is one kid, Manolin and one good example, the elderly person. The elderly person is a decent good example and Manolin benefits and learn important lessons.In Lord of the Flies, there are a few young men and a few good examples, however the two primary good examples are Jack and Ralph. The young men figure out how to do things the correct route from Ralph, the great good example, and how to do things incorrectly from Jack, the terrible good example. In Of Mice and Men, George, a keen and pessimistic man is the good example. Lennie, a man of constrained capacities, is secured by his good example, George. George and Lenny are companions. Their relationship is valuable to every one of them since George can ensure his companion, Lennie and, Lennie can abstain from being mishandled by other s since he is secured by his job model.In Hamlet, there is no conspicuous good example. Hamlet shows that individuals can settle on choices without a good example. The good example circumstances for every one of these accounts are clarified in the accompanying passages. In Old Man and the Sea, Manolin’s male good example is Santiago. Manolin needs to figure out how to angle like Santiago. Manolin admires Santiago as a good example. Santiago acknowledges this ‘role model’ type job and attempts to educate Manolin. Santiago additionally instructs Manolin directly from wrong. Santiago brings up to Manolin that he should pay for things as opposed to taking them: â€Å"Two, ‘the elderly person concurred. â€Å"You didn’t take them? I would, ‘the kid said†. â€Å"But I brought these. † â€Å"Thank you,† the elderly person said. He was too easy to even consider wondering when he had achieved quietude. However, he realized he had a chieved it and he realized it was not offensive and it conveyed no loss of genuine pride† (Hemingway 3). Now in the story, the elderly person felt a feeling of pride. He had shown Manolin a helpful life exercise, not to take. He realized the Manolin didn't yet comprehend what he had realized, yet Santiago accepted that Manolin would recall this exercise. The elderly person was Manolin’s good example, companion and partner. He instructed him to have quality of character and to put stock in the truth.It was the activity of the elderly person to educate and go down what he realized throughout everyday life so life would be simpler for Manolin. Manolin’s fellowship and regard for the elderly person made it simple for the kid to gain from his good example. This is like what occurs in Lord of the Flies. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Jack, both have man like characteristics to become men and do become men. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Jack become two distinct pione ers of two altogether different gatherings. Jack’s bunch is the defiant sort. They do anything they desire. Ralph’s bunch consistently follows orders: Ralph checked. â€Å"I’m boss then†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ â€Å"Jack’s responsible for the choir.They can beâ€what do you need them to be? † â€Å"Hunters. † Jack and Ralph grinned at one another with bashful loving. † (Golding 23) Ralph being the central shows that he has authority characteristics. At the point when he blew on the Conch everybody reacted and came running. By him doing that, that made everybody make him the boss. Young men figure out how to become men by gazing upward to other men. For this situation, they are admiring another kid who has similar characteristics that other men have. Those characteristics could be positive or negative. Jack is the good example for those young men that have a bold nature. That is the reason Jack turns into the pioneer of the chasing party.His g utsy nature permits him to not have dread when he is out chasing wild creatures. Presently after Lord of the Flies onto the third story Of Mice and Men. In Of Mice and Men, George is Lennie’s good example. The story doesn't talk about how George and Lennie shaped their fellowship, yet it specifies that they have a common dream to one day own their own real estate parcel. Lennie has mental constraints. He cherishes stroking delicate things, similar to cats, delicate materials and different things. Lennie is subject to George for insurance and security. Lennie isn't a pioneer. He is open to allowing George to lead and following George’s lead.George is Lennie’s â€Å"protector† from individuals who need to hurt him. George discloses to Lennie how to protect himself: â€Å"Don’t let him pull you inâ€butâ€if the bastard socks youâ€let ‘im have it. † â€Å"Let ‘im have what, George? †(Steinbeck, 16). Shockingly, in any event, when George attempts to secure Lennie, Lennie shows how powerless he is. Lennie still doesn't comprehend what â€Å"let ‘im have It† implies. Lennie unquestionably needs a defender. In Of Mice and Men, Lennie is totally glad doing whatever George proposes. Luckily for Lennie, George is a sort, mindful and securing kind of job model.Without George as a good example, Lennie would not endure extremely long. In the event that George was a terrible good example, Lennie would not make it past the primary part of the story. Lennie certainly profits by having a positive good example. This isn't the situation in Hamlet. In Hamlet, there are no good examples. Hamlet doesn't have a good example. Hamlet utilizes his own qualities and settles on his choices without the advantage of a good example. Hamlet made up a play to see whether his uncle truly poisoned his father and execute him: â€Å"I’ll have these players Play something like the homicide of my dad before min e uncle. I’ll watch his looks. I’ll tent him to the quick.If’ a do quail, I know my course†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ â€Å"I’ll have grounds More relative than this. The play’s the thing Wherein I’ll get the still, small voice of the ruler. † (Shakespeare lns. 535-546) Hamlet was not driven by a good example and he didn't follow anyone’s choice. Hamlet did what he thought was ideal. At the point when Hamlet incidentally slaughtered Polonius, Hamlet decided to be pompous and to act like it was anything but a mishap. This was a terrible choice. Hamlet ought to have conceded this was a mishap. On the off chance that he had done this he would not have caused Ophelia, his fiancee to detest him. This story is a model that shows that individuals can settle on choice without a job model.This proposes that good examples are not required. In any case, in the event that we investigate Hamlet’s choices, we can see that Hamlet settled on some te rrible choices. On the off chance that Hamlet had the advantage of a decent male good example, he would have likely settled on better choices. It is obvious to see that good examples impact the manner in which little fellows settle on their choices. Positive good examples like Santiago, in Old Man and the Sea, Ralph in Lord of the Flies and George Milton in Of Mice and Men had a solid positive and useful effect. Manolin figured out how to angle, from an extraordinary angler. Manolin additionally learned not to take. Young men who hose Ralph as their good example figured out how to make the best decision, how to endure and how not to become savages. Lennie took in the benefit of having a good example and companion who thought about and ensured him. Then again Hamlet settled on his own choices without the assistance of a good example. While Hamlet was not affected by a terrible good example, which is something worth being thankful for, Hamlet could have settled on better choices in th e event that he had a positive good example. On the off chance that Manolin didn't learn not to take, he could have an existence of wrongdoing as a criminal rather than an effective life as an incredible angler. Little fellows unmistakably need positive good examples.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Course Syllabus Financial Management Free Essays

In the event that you miss class some fascinating things may likewise sneak away. Understudies likewise need to peruse and inquire about for their schoolwork or assignments. Plan yourself and time cautiously from the earliest starting point of the course before you countering read stuns or startling. We will compose a custom exposition test on Course Syllabus Financial Management or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now Evaluating Policy Your course evaluation will be founded on a sum of 1 00 potential focuses: Classroom cooperation and participation (10%) Assignment (20%) Quizzes Midterm Examination Final Examination (40%) Total (100%) Your last grade will be founded on your exhibition in schoolwork/assignments, tests, class investment and tests. If it's not too much trouble note the dates of the tests recorded on the course diagram. There will be no cosmetics tests. An unexcused nonappearance from a test will be considered a disappointment for that test. Two unexcused unlucky deficiencies from tests will be considered a disappointment for the course. There will be no additional credit assignments. The last test of the year appears as two-hour and shut book test, except if in any case indicated by the teacher, where will be held in week eighteenth. Anyway the particular date for this test will be told later. The midterm test will be held in one hour premise and in your normal class during the week 8. There will be intermittent tests, which are in about fourteen days. Tests will be declared multi week ahead of time. The tests will be given toward the finish of the class and each test will take close to 15 minutes. The tests will for the most part comprise on various decision questions. The most reduced evaluation won't be considered for the calculation of your last grade. Execution on these tests, just as your commitments to day by day exchange in class, will be figured into your group interest grade. They will likewise be utilized to check class participation. The most effective method to refer to Course Syllabus Financial Management, Essays

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Salary Negotiation Skills for Women Close the Pay Gap! Part 2

Salary Negotiation Skills for Women Close the Pay Gap! Part 2 Salary Negotiation Skills for Women: Close the Pay Gap! Part 2 Last week, I wrote about the importance of salary negotiation skills for women in my article, Salary Negotiation for Women. In it, I drew from information presented in a webinar by Professor Deborah Ellis that emphasized how salary negotiation skills can help close the gender pay gap. I promised last week to share more about specific salary negotiation skills. Following are some of the issues you might run into and how salary negotiation skills can help you address them. What if you’re asked about your prior salary or salary expectations at any point in your job search? Some employers try to get you to state a number before they do, which is in no way a good thing for you. A low number sets you up to be underpaid by some organizations, and a high number sets you up to be eliminated from consideration. Knowing how to answer the salary expectation question is hugely important for women so that they get paid fairly, not based on a previously too-low salary. Here’s how Professor Ellis recommends responding if you’re asked about your salary expectations or previous salary: If you’re in California, Massachusetts, Delaware, or Oregon, or in the cities of New York City and Philadelphia, you can explain that there are laws stating you are not required to answer it. These laws are a great step toward ending pay discrimination. For instance, say, “I’m sure that if you decide I’m the best candidate for the job, we can agree on an appropriate salary for the position.” Or ask them “What is the range that you’re thinking of for the position?” Show them you’ve done your research. Say, “I’ve done some research and understand that the range for this position is $X to $Y. I trust you will offer a fair salary based on industry standards.” If you must state a number, state a range. Or ask for a number at the top of the range you’ve researched, and explain you’re hoping for that salary but are willing to negotiate. Once you get an offer, here are Professor Ellis’s tips on how to negotiate effectively: Do not initiate a salary negotiation conversation before you get a job offer. Do not ask in your initial phone interview about salary, benefits, or working from home. Wait until you’ve been offered a position before you bring up any of these issues. Otherwise you will be seen as immature at best, and greedy at worst. You won’t get a second interview. Be prepared. Before you step into a negotiation, calculate your target, your ask, and your bottom line. Gather as many objective facts as possible, including the salaries of others. There are two main ways to do your research: Surf the web. Use salary.com, glassdoor.com, and industry-specific websites. Ask your networks (including LinkedIn!). If you’re a woman, ask your colleagues what a man would ask to be paid for this job. If you want to work from home, find out ahead of time whether other people in similar positions have worked from home. Ask for up to 20% over your target. And don’t accept anything below your bottom line. Negotiate the total package just salaryâ€"keep salary and benefits, title, scope of responsibility, travel, flexibility, and resources to accomplish your job on the table. Asking for more than one thing allows you to trade off. Keep in mind that some benefits might be non-negotiable, and do not push on those. Note: If you’re asking for multiple things, let the employer know at the beginning of the conversationâ€"and ask them in what order they would like to address those things. Understand and leverage the concept of anchoring. Here’s how anchoring works: The first number anyone says is the number that everyone will remember. So don’t say a low number first or you’ll be stuck with a low number! Start with a high number and then anything else will sound smaller. If you have another offer, that’s a great benchmark and bargaining point. Always be conversational and pleasant while you’re advising a potential employer of other offers! Identify employer’s interests. For more good advice on this strategy, read Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, by Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton. Ask for time to consider an offer if you need it. If a company wants you, they’ll be willing to waitâ€"whether that’s overnight or even a week or two, depending on the situation. Practice with peers or a professional interview coachâ€"and then go negotiate! How can I learn more about salary negotiation and salary negotiation for women? Here are some great resources suggested by Professor Ellis: AAUW, American Association of University Women Babcock Laschever, Ask For It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want (2009) Babcock Laschever, Women Don’t Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiationâ€"and Positive Strategies for Change (2007) Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (1991) If you are a woman (or a man) with an upcoming interview, try using some of these salary negotiation skills, strategies and tactics. I’d love to hear the results!