Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Stonewall Jackson - 1557 Words

Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson was born on January 21, 1824 in Clarksburg, Virginia. His father and younger sibling had died of typhoid fever when Jackson was very young. This left himself, his mother and a younger sister. His mother remarried and fell into debt with her more current husband. Because of the immense financial struggles distressing the family, Jackson was forced to go live with an uncle. Jackson’s uncle paid little to no attention to him, even when young Jackson showed an interest in learning. As stated in the Stonewall Jackson: The Man, The Soldier, The Legend, a childhood friend said that Jackson was â€Å"by no means†¦ brilliant, but was one of those untiring, plain, matter-of-fact-persons who would never give up†¦ until he†¦show more content†¦There is Jackson standing like a stone wall! Let us determine to die here, and we will conquer!’ (Published in the Charleston Mercury on July 25, 1861). Some thought that by the Union taking over Richmond, the head of the Confederacy, that it would end the Civil War (MacDonald 12). The Confederate army was committed to protecting all routs to Richmond. One year later, in 1862 Jackson blindsided the Union and defeated two Union forces. The blindside defeat of the Union proved that Jackson was a relentless and determined military mind. Jackson did this during the Shenandoah Valley campaign. George McClellan, commander of the Union Army, came up with a plan to capture Richmond, the Confederate capital. McClellan was not known as the most efficient of commanders, always seeming hesitant to commit his troops to battle. When McClellan’s troops were preparing to start their campaign, Stonewall Jackson’s Confederate Army charged through the Shenandoah Valley, making it seem as if they were going to attack Washington, the Union’s capital. This campaign that Jackson raged upon lasted from May 4th until June 9th, 1862. This is where Jackson defeated the two Union forces. Jackson’s Shenandoah Valley campaign included battles such as Fort Royal, Winchester, Cross keys, and Port Republic (Virginia Military Institute Archives). He defeated Union soldiers at all of these battles. Due to Jackson’s success with his Shenandoah ValleyShow MoreRelated Stonewall Jackson Essays794 Words   |  4 PagesStonewall Jackson Thomas Jonathan Jackson was a general who served in the Civil war. He was born on January 21, 1824 in Clarksburg, Virginia. Jackson’s Parents were Jonathon Jackson Julia Beckwith Neale. He had 3 brothers and sisters. They were Elizabeth, Warren, and Laura Ann. Elizabeth and Warren were both older than him, and Laura Ann was younger. When Thomas was only 8 years old his father and sister, Elizabeth, died of typhoid fever. After his childhood in Virginia, Stonewall JacksonRead More Stonewall Jackson Essay544 Words   |  3 Pages Stonewall Jackson, born January 21, 1824 was one of the most famous confederate generals and one of the best officers to serve for General Robert E. Lee. But Jackson wasn’t just born a general, he earned it. Since his parents died when he was very young, life was very rough for him. He was raised by his uncle, Cummins Jackson, a miller who lived near what is now known as Weston, West Virginia. Later on, he was appointed to the U.S. Military Academy. He had to work several times harder than theRead MoreThomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson Essay1815 Words   |  8 Pages Famed Confederate General Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson’s legacy is hardly easy to define. His is most remembered for cunning speed and brutality in battle and many consider him without equal. The same strategies Jackson used in the Shenandoah Valley campaign were scrutinized by both Rommel and Patton for inspiration in WWII. Jackson’s personal discipline carried over into his command. Although his men were often barefoot and near starvation, he pushed them forward into battle, not wishingRead MoreStonewall Jackson And The Confederate Army1327 Words   |  6 Pages Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson Stonewall Jackson, a general for the Confederate Army died in 1863 due to complications from a gunshot wound (â€Å"Thomas†). Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson was a general for the Confederate Army during the Civil War. Jackson was most commonly known for his strategy and his men who were very skilled. Despite all of this Jackson was a brilliant tactician and a master at commanding his troops, which is why he is regarded as one of the best generals of the Civil War. As a young childRead More Thomas Stonewall Jackson Essay720 Words   |  3 Pages Thomas Stonewall Jackson was born in Clarksburg, Virginia, on January 21, 1824. After graduating 17th in his class at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant. He served in the Mexican War and won two brevets. While he was in Mexico, Jackson became a Presbyterian. A friend said that, quot;He never smoked, he was a strict teetotaler and never touched a card.quot; In 1851, Jackson was recruited to teach at the Virginia Military Institute. His students calledRead MoreStonewall Jackson And The American Civil War1166 Words   |  5 PagesThese were some of Stonewall Jackson’s Final words. Jackson was one of the most charismatic and influential Generals to have ever participated in the American Civil War. It was his work ethic, morality, and immense military expertise that gained him his infamous recognition and respect. Just a small overview of his life wil l clearly explain how Stonewall Jackson earned his merit as being one of the most outstanding Civil War generals that this country has ever seen. Stonewall began his career asRead MoreStonewall Jackson: Embodying The American Dream 102619991566 Words   |  7 PagesStonewall Jackson: Embodying the American Dream 10261999 1 Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson once said, â€Å"You may be whatever you resolve to be,† ( Editors). Many of the greatest men throughout history, including Stonewall Jackson, came from small beginnings, yet with perseverance, achieved their wildest dreams. Furthermore, many of these men were inspirational figures to others during his or her time; alike how Stonewall Jackson was idolized by many southerners due to being born with a familyRead MoreStonewall Jackson the Great U.S. Military Figure Essay640 Words   |  3 Pagesthat Thomas Jackson was negatively affected by growing up with his bachelor uncle Cummins Jackson, this unusual background ultimately made Stonewall Jackson the great U.S. military figure he is today. Cummins Jackson had a strong work ethic, which was pushed onto a young Stonewall Jackson. Stonewall Jacksons father died when Jackson was very young, leaving Jackson without a father figure the mold him into a respectable man. Jean Fritz tells a compelling story of Thomas Stonewall Jackson. She describesRead MoreThe Greatest Generals During The American Civil War1544 Words   |  7 Pages1824 around midnight in Clarksburg, Virginia, now West Virginia, one of the South’s greatest Generals during the American Civil War was born. This was Thomas Johnathan Jackson, also known as Stonewall Jackson. He was the third born out of four siblings. His parents were Julia Beckwith Neale and Johnathan Jackson (Stonewall Jackson). Jackson’s childhood was very rough. When he was two, his father and older sister died of typhoid fever within the same year. The death of his father caused his motherRead MoreAnalysis Of Stonewall Jackson Way1421 Words   |  6 PagesPalmer, John Williamson. â€Å"Stonewall Jacksons Way.† Poetry-Archive, George W. Jacobs Co., Accessed 4 Sept. 2017. John Williamson Palmer is a famous American author who recorded revolutionary events. Palmer was originally a physician, but he later decided to pursue a career in journalism. Since he was writing during the Civil War, his works encompass American patriotism and morale. His poem â€Å"Stonewall Jackson’s Way† serves to commemorate the

Monday, December 16, 2019

Economic Monopoly and Vertical Merger Essay - 632 Words

ECO 365 WEEK 4 Discussion Question 2. What are the differences among horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate mergers? Provide real-world examples of each type of merger. What policy do you think the US should follow toward mergers? Why? Horizontal mergers take place between companies in the same industry. These companies are rivals who sell the same goods or services. When a merger takes place, a rival is eliminated and potential for gains become higher. A vertical merger is one in which a firm or company combines with a supplier or distributor. For example, if a car making firm is receiving chassis from two suppliers and decides to acquire them, it is a vertical merger. On the other hand conglomerate mergers are those between firms that†¦show more content†¦Government intervention takes place when there is necessity to support the economic fabric of the nation. For example, when the US government provided bailout packages to investment banks the objective was to rescue the banking system of the United States. The fiscal intervention has the objectives of reducing unemployment, ensuring growth, and controlling inflation. An example is a fiscal stimulus package that reduces unemployment. The direct goal of t axation is to finance government programs, reduce government deficit, and to pay off the debts of the government. Taxation is reduced to stimulate the economy. A real-world example is that currently President Obama has announced that the effective corporate tax rate will be cut to 28% and for manufacturers the effective rate will be 25%. The goal of this policy is to encourage businesses to invest more and become more competitive. Regulations are imposed to control unacceptable economic behavior. For example, around 2000 there were a number of large accounting scandals that shook the confidence of investors. To regain the confidence of investors, the Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002 was passed. This regulation sets higher standards for Public Company Boards, management, and public auditors. The goal of this act was to restore investor confidence in public companies. The goal was also to bring greater transparency and accountability in the management of public companies. References; 1.Show MoreRelatedManagerial Economics Chapter 9 Essay1641 Words   |  7 Pagesexit.? - Economic profits attract firms to enter an industry, and economic losses cause firms to exit an industry. Would a firm earning zero economic profit continue to produce, even in the long run? In the long-run competitive equilibrium, a firm earning zero economic profit Will continue to produce because such profit corresponds with positive accounting profit. When new firms enter into an industry Total supply in the industry increases leading to a reduction in price and economic profit ofRead MoreMerger Is The Merging Of Jds Fitel Inc. And Uniphase Corp1325 Words   |  6 Pages1. Definitions: 1.1. Merger: â€Å"A merger is a combining of two or more companies to form a new company†. An example of a merger is the merging of JDS Fitel Inc. and Uniphase Corp. in 1999 to form JDS Uniphase. 1.2. Acquisition: To acquire another firm, usually through the purchase of shares of the company or to buy assets of the business directly. â€Å"Acquisition is the purchase of one company by another in which no new company is formed†. An example of an acquisition is Manulife Financial CorporationRead MoreCritically Evaluate the Main Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Horizontal Expansion for a Company.1535 Words   |  7 Pagesby comparing it with vertical and diversified growth. The reader will be presented with the facts and at the end will be allowed to make his own decision. One major deciding factor on growth strategy will be the organisations long term strategy and the behaviour of the Markets, and its competitors. Horizontal expansion as well as other forms, can occur in a number of methods, this includes firm spending its own profits to expand its business or by acquisitions and mergers with companies operatingRead MoreWhat Are The Differences Between Market Structures And Will Identify A Group Of Competitive Strategies?1606 Words   |  7 Pagescompetitive strategies consistent with the market structure that best aligns with the market in which the organization competes. Additionally, assessing the market structure positively and negatively affects the organization s ability to earn an economic profit over time and evaluate the effectiveness of the organization s competitive strategies. There are many different aspects to classifying a business or corporation and its structure while taking everything else into account. You must take intoRead More Monopolies Essay3526 Words   |  15 PagesMonopolies What is a monopoly? 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If a healthcare market complied with these four pillars of the First Welfare Theorem, a healthcare provider’s choice of output would not affect the priceRead MorePorter s Five Forces Framework Essay1605 Words   |  7 PagesThere are two types of mergers, including horizontal and vertical mergers. Particularly, horizontal mergers occur when two firms providing same types of products and services to the same market make amalgamate as a single company. The main purpose of this kind of merge is increasing overall revenues. (Linton, n.d.). For example, Air New Zealand and Qantas proposed to merge under a single ownership in 2004. Nonetheless, this p roposal was rejected due to the potential of monopoly in the market. (AirNz-QantasRead MoreMergers, Construction, Manufacture, Natural Resources And Technology2831 Words   |  12 Pages20th century, mergers began to play a great role in the development of modern corporations in different fields such as foods, construction, manufacture, natural resources and technology. A merger can be defined as the absorption of one firm by another (Ross, Westerfield and Jeffrey, 2002). The acquiring firm maintains its name and identity, and it obtains all the assets and liabilities of the target company. The acquired company no longer exists as an independent entity. While mergers could be categorizedRead MoreThe Formula For Creating A Successful Business2752 Words   |  12 PagesBusiness has evolved from shabby convenience stores corner to international corporations. There has been an unmistakable trend toward bigness in business since the mid-1980s. Corporate mergers are now very common and undoubtable effective. The US government regulates these businesses through antitrust laws. Corporate mergers and antitrust laws play a crucial role for producers and consumers. The historical backdrop of the American economy since the Civil War has become a corporate focus. A business gameRead MoreEssay on Monopoly2025 Words   |  9 PagesMonopoly INTRODUCTION Monopoly is an economic situation in which only a single seller or producer supplies a commodity or a service. For a monopoly to be effective there must be no practical substitutes for the product or service sold, and no serious threat of the entry of a competitor into the market. This enables the seller to control the price. One or more of the following elements are of great importance in establishing a monopoly in a particular industry: (1) Control of a major resource

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Change Management in Healthcare Organisations

Question: Discuss about the Change Management in Healthcare Organisations. Answer: Introduction: One of the most important concern in Healthcare Management is the the management of change and it is the duty and obligation of the health care professionals to acquire, maintain and upgrade their expertise in order to perform their tasks in an effective and efficient manner. Change is a complex process and change management involves evaluation, planning and implementation of operational policy and strategies in order to ensure that the change is worthwhile and relevant. Change management is a challenging, complex and dynamic process and is an amalgamation of both people-oriented and technological solutions (Hayes, 2014). This report provides literature review on change management in healthcare organisations and examines the two important factors that has been a driving change in the healthcare system. Change Management Theory: Change management theory reflects on two important methods of change management, they are, planned change management and emergent change management. The works of Kurt Lewin proposes the planned change management that dominates the academic literature. According to planned change approach, change is perceived as a transitional process between two fixed states. This process involves a series of previously planned steps, which makes this approach compliant to research analysis. According to planned change approach, old behaviours and techniques must be relinquished, for the successful adaptation of new methods and behaviours (Gopee Galloway, 2013). Planned change approach emphasises more on the role played by managers and authority and ignores the contribution and role of the staff workers in the change process. By giving more focus on pre-planned processes, objectives and timetables, all of which are formulated by the management level, this approach neglects the influence made by staf f workers on change initiatives. On the other hand, emergent change is a newer concept and comprises of unrelated theories and thus presenting varying approaches to change management. This approach views changing process as more analytical undertaking and less prescriptive (Grol et al., 2013). It gives less emphasis on plans and procedures to understand the complex nature of the environment of an organisation and develops a series of alternatives in order to guide decision-making. According to emergent change approach, change must be linked to work organisation, market forces, system of management control and the shifting and changing nature of organisational limits and relationships. Unlike planned change, emergent change emphasises on bottom up approach to change management. Moreover, the emergent change approach also argues that due to the fast and complex nature of changing process, it might become difficult for the management to identify changes and formulate strategies in order to address them in a timely mann er ((Chassin Loeb, 2013). As a result, management must assign some of the decision-making authority to the staff members and act as facilitators of change rather than controllers of change. Though planned and emergent approaches to change are often pitted against each other, the best strategy that could be adapted by an organisation is to intelligently integrate the two approaches based on the particular circumstances of an organisation. The interrelation of factors must be considered in order to achieve successful change, which includes both organisational and environmental factors driving the change. Factors Driving Change in Healthcare: According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, jobs for health and medical professionals are expected to grow by 23 per cent through 2022, which is considerably faster than average (Riekert, Ockene Pbert, 2013). Among various factors, the two most important factors contributing to this increasing growth are ageing population and advancing technology. In healthcare organisation, ageing population is perhaps the biggest driving force. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook notes, the demand and need to remain active and fit in later life has increased with ageing population, because of which healthcare organisations are experiencing an increase in demand for medical services. In such a scenario, efficient managers are required in order to effectively manage and organise medical information and healthcare staffs in all areas of the industry (Grol et al., 2013). On the other hand, new and improved technology also plays a significant role in bringing a considerable change in the way healthcare is managed and provided. With rapid advancement in technology in recent times, medical facilities, information sharing, information system and record keeping will continue to change and become more complex. New technologies have also increased the opportunities for companies to diversify their supplies into the healthcare sphere. In addition to this, advancement in medical technology and information system have also created a need for technical healthcare managers plan, organise and integrate new technological solutions into the existing framework of healthcare organisations. Conclusion: Thus it can be concluded, by saying that , healthcare professionals need to constantly upgrade and maintain their professional expertise in order fulfil the requirements of the population and also to effectively manage and implement new and improved technologies into the healthcare system. Changes in healthcare system must be managed and incorporated in such a manner, in order to provide worthwhile medical services to people with diversified health care needs and requirements. References: Chassin, M. R., Loeb, J. M. (2013). High?reliability health care: getting there from here.Milbank Quarterly,91(3), 459-490. Gopee, N., Galloway, J. (2013).Leadership and management in healthcare. Sage. Grol, R., Wensing, M., Bosch, M., Hulscher, M., Eccles, M. (2013). Theories on implementation of change in healthcare.Improving Patient Care: The Implementation of Change in Health Care, Second Edition, 18-39. Grol, R., Wensing, M., Eccles, M., Davis, D. (Eds.). (2013).Improving patient care: the implementation of change in health care. John Wiley Sons. Hayes, J. (2014).The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Riekert, K. A., Ockene, J. K., Pbert, L. (Eds.). (2013).The handbook of health behavior change. Springer Publishing Company.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Natural Disaster free essay sample

In recent years, New Yorker has faced some disasters that we have never experience before. Just one years ago, we witnessed people have become homeless, injured and lost properties. Natural disaster, unlike Terrorism, can happen anytime and anywhere. Some people may think disaster is an action of God to punish guilty human. Many people see disaster occurs unexpectedly and unpleasantly and think it is out of our control and no one can prevent it. However, the fact is that human do increase the chance of occurrence of natural disaster. There are proofs to show that natural disaster is cause of human’s activities. For example, hurricane Sandy made landfall in late October 29, 2012 and became the most destructive tropical cyclone in New York’s record. Sandy grew from a tropical wave in the Caribbean Sea and then advanced to Tropical Storm within couple hours. Hurricane Sandy killed many people, caused food shortages and left about 200,000 homeless. We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Disaster or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Why could that happen? Human have caused a lot of damages to the environment. It has become a common sense that the green house effects take place on the earth and therefore ice in the North Pole is melting. The scientist has found that human’s activities have caused direct effects to the green house effects. Human kills tons of trees, build factories; waste energy and that have caused significant increase on carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide increases the speed of ice melting. Because of the ice melting in the North Pole, the earth cannot emit the hot air. That’s why dramatic weather and natural disaster occurred more frequently than before.