Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Stonewall Jackson - 1557 Words

Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson was born on January 21, 1824 in Clarksburg, Virginia. His father and younger sibling had died of typhoid fever when Jackson was very young. This left himself, his mother and a younger sister. His mother remarried and fell into debt with her more current husband. Because of the immense financial struggles distressing the family, Jackson was forced to go live with an uncle. Jackson’s uncle paid little to no attention to him, even when young Jackson showed an interest in learning. As stated in the Stonewall Jackson: The Man, The Soldier, The Legend, a childhood friend said that Jackson was â€Å"by no means†¦ brilliant, but was one of those untiring, plain, matter-of-fact-persons who would never give up†¦ until he†¦show more content†¦There is Jackson standing like a stone wall! Let us determine to die here, and we will conquer!’ (Published in the Charleston Mercury on July 25, 1861). Some thought that by the Union taking over Richmond, the head of the Confederacy, that it would end the Civil War (MacDonald 12). The Confederate army was committed to protecting all routs to Richmond. One year later, in 1862 Jackson blindsided the Union and defeated two Union forces. The blindside defeat of the Union proved that Jackson was a relentless and determined military mind. Jackson did this during the Shenandoah Valley campaign. George McClellan, commander of the Union Army, came up with a plan to capture Richmond, the Confederate capital. McClellan was not known as the most efficient of commanders, always seeming hesitant to commit his troops to battle. When McClellan’s troops were preparing to start their campaign, Stonewall Jackson’s Confederate Army charged through the Shenandoah Valley, making it seem as if they were going to attack Washington, the Union’s capital. This campaign that Jackson raged upon lasted from May 4th until June 9th, 1862. This is where Jackson defeated the two Union forces. Jackson’s Shenandoah Valley campaign included battles such as Fort Royal, Winchester, Cross keys, and Port Republic (Virginia Military Institute Archives). He defeated Union soldiers at all of these battles. Due to Jackson’s success with his Shenandoah ValleyShow MoreRelated Stonewall Jackson Essays794 Words   |  4 PagesStonewall Jackson Thomas Jonathan Jackson was a general who served in the Civil war. He was born on January 21, 1824 in Clarksburg, Virginia. Jackson’s Parents were Jonathon Jackson Julia Beckwith Neale. He had 3 brothers and sisters. They were Elizabeth, Warren, and Laura Ann. Elizabeth and Warren were both older than him, and Laura Ann was younger. When Thomas was only 8 years old his father and sister, Elizabeth, died of typhoid fever. After his childhood in Virginia, Stonewall JacksonRead More Stonewall Jackson Essay544 Words   |  3 Pages Stonewall Jackson, born January 21, 1824 was one of the most famous confederate generals and one of the best officers to serve for General Robert E. Lee. But Jackson wasn’t just born a general, he earned it. Since his parents died when he was very young, life was very rough for him. He was raised by his uncle, Cummins Jackson, a miller who lived near what is now known as Weston, West Virginia. Later on, he was appointed to the U.S. Military Academy. He had to work several times harder than theRead MoreThomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson Essay1815 Words   |  8 Pages Famed Confederate General Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson’s legacy is hardly easy to define. His is most remembered for cunning speed and brutality in battle and many consider him without equal. The same strategies Jackson used in the Shenandoah Valley campaign were scrutinized by both Rommel and Patton for inspiration in WWII. Jackson’s personal discipline carried over into his command. Although his men were often barefoot and near starvation, he pushed them forward into battle, not wishingRead MoreStonewall Jackson And The Confederate Army1327 Words   |  6 Pages Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson Stonewall Jackson, a general for the Confederate Army died in 1863 due to complications from a gunshot wound (â€Å"Thomas†). Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson was a general for the Confederate Army during the Civil War. Jackson was most commonly known for his strategy and his men who were very skilled. Despite all of this Jackson was a brilliant tactician and a master at commanding his troops, which is why he is regarded as one of the best generals of the Civil War. As a young childRead More Thomas Stonewall Jackson Essay720 Words   |  3 Pages Thomas Stonewall Jackson was born in Clarksburg, Virginia, on January 21, 1824. After graduating 17th in his class at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant. He served in the Mexican War and won two brevets. While he was in Mexico, Jackson became a Presbyterian. A friend said that, quot;He never smoked, he was a strict teetotaler and never touched a card.quot; In 1851, Jackson was recruited to teach at the Virginia Military Institute. His students calledRead MoreStonewall Jackson And The American Civil War1166 Words   |  5 PagesThese were some of Stonewall Jackson’s Final words. Jackson was one of the most charismatic and influential Generals to have ever participated in the American Civil War. It was his work ethic, morality, and immense military expertise that gained him his infamous recognition and respect. Just a small overview of his life wil l clearly explain how Stonewall Jackson earned his merit as being one of the most outstanding Civil War generals that this country has ever seen. Stonewall began his career asRead MoreStonewall Jackson: Embodying The American Dream 102619991566 Words   |  7 PagesStonewall Jackson: Embodying the American Dream 10261999 1 Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson once said, â€Å"You may be whatever you resolve to be,† ( Editors). Many of the greatest men throughout history, including Stonewall Jackson, came from small beginnings, yet with perseverance, achieved their wildest dreams. Furthermore, many of these men were inspirational figures to others during his or her time; alike how Stonewall Jackson was idolized by many southerners due to being born with a familyRead MoreStonewall Jackson the Great U.S. Military Figure Essay640 Words   |  3 Pagesthat Thomas Jackson was negatively affected by growing up with his bachelor uncle Cummins Jackson, this unusual background ultimately made Stonewall Jackson the great U.S. military figure he is today. Cummins Jackson had a strong work ethic, which was pushed onto a young Stonewall Jackson. Stonewall Jacksons father died when Jackson was very young, leaving Jackson without a father figure the mold him into a respectable man. Jean Fritz tells a compelling story of Thomas Stonewall Jackson. She describesRead MoreThe Greatest Generals During The American Civil War1544 Words   |  7 Pages1824 around midnight in Clarksburg, Virginia, now West Virginia, one of the South’s greatest Generals during the American Civil War was born. This was Thomas Johnathan Jackson, also known as Stonewall Jackson. He was the third born out of four siblings. His parents were Julia Beckwith Neale and Johnathan Jackson (Stonewall Jackson). Jackson’s childhood was very rough. When he was two, his father and older sister died of typhoid fever within the same year. The death of his father caused his motherRead MoreAnalysis Of Stonewall Jackson Way1421 Words   |  6 PagesPalmer, John Williamson. â€Å"Stonewall Jacksons Way.† Poetry-Archive, George W. Jacobs Co., Accessed 4 Sept. 2017. John Williamson Palmer is a famous American author who recorded revolutionary events. Palmer was originally a physician, but he later decided to pursue a career in journalism. Since he was writing during the Civil War, his works encompass American patriotism and morale. His poem â€Å"Stonewall Jackson’s Way† serves to commemorate the

Monday, December 16, 2019

Economic Monopoly and Vertical Merger Essay - 632 Words

ECO 365 WEEK 4 Discussion Question 2. What are the differences among horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate mergers? Provide real-world examples of each type of merger. What policy do you think the US should follow toward mergers? Why? Horizontal mergers take place between companies in the same industry. These companies are rivals who sell the same goods or services. When a merger takes place, a rival is eliminated and potential for gains become higher. A vertical merger is one in which a firm or company combines with a supplier or distributor. For example, if a car making firm is receiving chassis from two suppliers and decides to acquire them, it is a vertical merger. On the other hand conglomerate mergers are those between firms that†¦show more content†¦Government intervention takes place when there is necessity to support the economic fabric of the nation. For example, when the US government provided bailout packages to investment banks the objective was to rescue the banking system of the United States. The fiscal intervention has the objectives of reducing unemployment, ensuring growth, and controlling inflation. An example is a fiscal stimulus package that reduces unemployment. The direct goal of t axation is to finance government programs, reduce government deficit, and to pay off the debts of the government. Taxation is reduced to stimulate the economy. A real-world example is that currently President Obama has announced that the effective corporate tax rate will be cut to 28% and for manufacturers the effective rate will be 25%. The goal of this policy is to encourage businesses to invest more and become more competitive. Regulations are imposed to control unacceptable economic behavior. For example, around 2000 there were a number of large accounting scandals that shook the confidence of investors. To regain the confidence of investors, the Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002 was passed. This regulation sets higher standards for Public Company Boards, management, and public auditors. The goal of this act was to restore investor confidence in public companies. The goal was also to bring greater transparency and accountability in the management of public companies. References; 1.Show MoreRelatedManagerial Economics Chapter 9 Essay1641 Words   |  7 Pagesexit.? - Economic profits attract firms to enter an industry, and economic losses cause firms to exit an industry. Would a firm earning zero economic profit continue to produce, even in the long run? In the long-run competitive equilibrium, a firm earning zero economic profit Will continue to produce because such profit corresponds with positive accounting profit. When new firms enter into an industry Total supply in the industry increases leading to a reduction in price and economic profit ofRead MoreMerger Is The Merging Of Jds Fitel Inc. And Uniphase Corp1325 Words   |  6 Pages1. Definitions: 1.1. Merger: â€Å"A merger is a combining of two or more companies to form a new company†. An example of a merger is the merging of JDS Fitel Inc. and Uniphase Corp. in 1999 to form JDS Uniphase. 1.2. Acquisition: To acquire another firm, usually through the purchase of shares of the company or to buy assets of the business directly. â€Å"Acquisition is the purchase of one company by another in which no new company is formed†. An example of an acquisition is Manulife Financial CorporationRead MoreCritically Evaluate the Main Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Horizontal Expansion for a Company.1535 Words   |  7 Pagesby comparing it with vertical and diversified growth. The reader will be presented with the facts and at the end will be allowed to make his own decision. One major deciding factor on growth strategy will be the organisations long term strategy and the behaviour of the Markets, and its competitors. Horizontal expansion as well as other forms, can occur in a number of methods, this includes firm spending its own profits to expand its business or by acquisitions and mergers with companies operatingRead MoreWhat Are The Differences Between Market Structures And Will Identify A Group Of Competitive Strategies?1606 Words   |  7 Pagescompetitive strategies consistent with the market structure that best aligns with the market in which the organization competes. Additionally, assessing the market structure positively and negatively affects the organization s ability to earn an economic profit over time and evaluate the effectiveness of the organization s competitive strategies. There are many different aspects to classifying a business or corporation and its structure while taking everything else into account. You must take intoRead More Monopolies Essay3526 Words   |  15 PagesMonopolies What is a monopoly? According to Websters dictionary, a monopoly is the exclusive control of a commodity or service in a given market.† Such power in the hands of a few is harmful to the public and individuals because it minimizes, if not eliminates normal competition in a given market and creates undesirable price controls. This, in turn, undermines individual enterprise and causes markets to crumble. In this paper, we will present several aspects of monopolies, including unfairRead MoreThe First Fundamental Theorem Of Welfare Economics1392 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction When studying market structure, the First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics states that markets will distribute resources efficiently if the following conditions are met: the market is perfectly competitive, there are no externalities or public goods, markets are complete, and there is no asymmetric information (Gruber, 2013). If a healthcare market complied with these four pillars of the First Welfare Theorem, a healthcare provider’s choice of output would not affect the priceRead MorePorter s Five Forces Framework Essay1605 Words   |  7 PagesThere are two types of mergers, including horizontal and vertical mergers. Particularly, horizontal mergers occur when two firms providing same types of products and services to the same market make amalgamate as a single company. The main purpose of this kind of merge is increasing overall revenues. (Linton, n.d.). For example, Air New Zealand and Qantas proposed to merge under a single ownership in 2004. Nonetheless, this p roposal was rejected due to the potential of monopoly in the market. (AirNz-QantasRead MoreMergers, Construction, Manufacture, Natural Resources And Technology2831 Words   |  12 Pages20th century, mergers began to play a great role in the development of modern corporations in different fields such as foods, construction, manufacture, natural resources and technology. A merger can be defined as the absorption of one firm by another (Ross, Westerfield and Jeffrey, 2002). The acquiring firm maintains its name and identity, and it obtains all the assets and liabilities of the target company. The acquired company no longer exists as an independent entity. While mergers could be categorizedRead MoreThe Formula For Creating A Successful Business2752 Words   |  12 PagesBusiness has evolved from shabby convenience stores corner to international corporations. There has been an unmistakable trend toward bigness in business since the mid-1980s. Corporate mergers are now very common and undoubtable effective. The US government regulates these businesses through antitrust laws. Corporate mergers and antitrust laws play a crucial role for producers and consumers. The historical backdrop of the American economy since the Civil War has become a corporate focus. A business gameRead MoreEssay on Monopoly2025 Words   |  9 PagesMonopoly INTRODUCTION Monopoly is an economic situation in which only a single seller or producer supplies a commodity or a service. For a monopoly to be effective there must be no practical substitutes for the product or service sold, and no serious threat of the entry of a competitor into the market. This enables the seller to control the price. One or more of the following elements are of great importance in establishing a monopoly in a particular industry: (1) Control of a major resource

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Change Management in Healthcare Organisations

Question: Discuss about the Change Management in Healthcare Organisations. Answer: Introduction: One of the most important concern in Healthcare Management is the the management of change and it is the duty and obligation of the health care professionals to acquire, maintain and upgrade their expertise in order to perform their tasks in an effective and efficient manner. Change is a complex process and change management involves evaluation, planning and implementation of operational policy and strategies in order to ensure that the change is worthwhile and relevant. Change management is a challenging, complex and dynamic process and is an amalgamation of both people-oriented and technological solutions (Hayes, 2014). This report provides literature review on change management in healthcare organisations and examines the two important factors that has been a driving change in the healthcare system. Change Management Theory: Change management theory reflects on two important methods of change management, they are, planned change management and emergent change management. The works of Kurt Lewin proposes the planned change management that dominates the academic literature. According to planned change approach, change is perceived as a transitional process between two fixed states. This process involves a series of previously planned steps, which makes this approach compliant to research analysis. According to planned change approach, old behaviours and techniques must be relinquished, for the successful adaptation of new methods and behaviours (Gopee Galloway, 2013). Planned change approach emphasises more on the role played by managers and authority and ignores the contribution and role of the staff workers in the change process. By giving more focus on pre-planned processes, objectives and timetables, all of which are formulated by the management level, this approach neglects the influence made by staf f workers on change initiatives. On the other hand, emergent change is a newer concept and comprises of unrelated theories and thus presenting varying approaches to change management. This approach views changing process as more analytical undertaking and less prescriptive (Grol et al., 2013). It gives less emphasis on plans and procedures to understand the complex nature of the environment of an organisation and develops a series of alternatives in order to guide decision-making. According to emergent change approach, change must be linked to work organisation, market forces, system of management control and the shifting and changing nature of organisational limits and relationships. Unlike planned change, emergent change emphasises on bottom up approach to change management. Moreover, the emergent change approach also argues that due to the fast and complex nature of changing process, it might become difficult for the management to identify changes and formulate strategies in order to address them in a timely mann er ((Chassin Loeb, 2013). As a result, management must assign some of the decision-making authority to the staff members and act as facilitators of change rather than controllers of change. Though planned and emergent approaches to change are often pitted against each other, the best strategy that could be adapted by an organisation is to intelligently integrate the two approaches based on the particular circumstances of an organisation. The interrelation of factors must be considered in order to achieve successful change, which includes both organisational and environmental factors driving the change. Factors Driving Change in Healthcare: According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, jobs for health and medical professionals are expected to grow by 23 per cent through 2022, which is considerably faster than average (Riekert, Ockene Pbert, 2013). Among various factors, the two most important factors contributing to this increasing growth are ageing population and advancing technology. In healthcare organisation, ageing population is perhaps the biggest driving force. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook notes, the demand and need to remain active and fit in later life has increased with ageing population, because of which healthcare organisations are experiencing an increase in demand for medical services. In such a scenario, efficient managers are required in order to effectively manage and organise medical information and healthcare staffs in all areas of the industry (Grol et al., 2013). On the other hand, new and improved technology also plays a significant role in bringing a considerable change in the way healthcare is managed and provided. With rapid advancement in technology in recent times, medical facilities, information sharing, information system and record keeping will continue to change and become more complex. New technologies have also increased the opportunities for companies to diversify their supplies into the healthcare sphere. In addition to this, advancement in medical technology and information system have also created a need for technical healthcare managers plan, organise and integrate new technological solutions into the existing framework of healthcare organisations. Conclusion: Thus it can be concluded, by saying that , healthcare professionals need to constantly upgrade and maintain their professional expertise in order fulfil the requirements of the population and also to effectively manage and implement new and improved technologies into the healthcare system. Changes in healthcare system must be managed and incorporated in such a manner, in order to provide worthwhile medical services to people with diversified health care needs and requirements. References: Chassin, M. R., Loeb, J. M. (2013). High?reliability health care: getting there from here.Milbank Quarterly,91(3), 459-490. Gopee, N., Galloway, J. (2013).Leadership and management in healthcare. Sage. Grol, R., Wensing, M., Bosch, M., Hulscher, M., Eccles, M. (2013). Theories on implementation of change in healthcare.Improving Patient Care: The Implementation of Change in Health Care, Second Edition, 18-39. Grol, R., Wensing, M., Eccles, M., Davis, D. (Eds.). (2013).Improving patient care: the implementation of change in health care. John Wiley Sons. Hayes, J. (2014).The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Riekert, K. A., Ockene, J. K., Pbert, L. (Eds.). (2013).The handbook of health behavior change. Springer Publishing Company.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Natural Disaster free essay sample

In recent years, New Yorker has faced some disasters that we have never experience before. Just one years ago, we witnessed people have become homeless, injured and lost properties. Natural disaster, unlike Terrorism, can happen anytime and anywhere. Some people may think disaster is an action of God to punish guilty human. Many people see disaster occurs unexpectedly and unpleasantly and think it is out of our control and no one can prevent it. However, the fact is that human do increase the chance of occurrence of natural disaster. There are proofs to show that natural disaster is cause of human’s activities. For example, hurricane Sandy made landfall in late October 29, 2012 and became the most destructive tropical cyclone in New York’s record. Sandy grew from a tropical wave in the Caribbean Sea and then advanced to Tropical Storm within couple hours. Hurricane Sandy killed many people, caused food shortages and left about 200,000 homeless. We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Disaster or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Why could that happen? Human have caused a lot of damages to the environment. It has become a common sense that the green house effects take place on the earth and therefore ice in the North Pole is melting. The scientist has found that human’s activities have caused direct effects to the green house effects. Human kills tons of trees, build factories; waste energy and that have caused significant increase on carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide increases the speed of ice melting. Because of the ice melting in the North Pole, the earth cannot emit the hot air. That’s why dramatic weather and natural disaster occurred more frequently than before.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Origami and Geometric Constructions.

Origami and Geometric Constructions. (A comparison between straight edge and compass constructions and origami)In high school geometry students examine the types of geometrical operations that can be performed by using only a straight edge and a compass (SEC). One learns how to draw a line connecting two points, how to draw circles, how to bisect angles, how to draw perpendicular lines, etc. In fact, you may remember that all SEC constructions are a sequence of steps, each of which is one of the following:Given two points we can draw a line connecting them.Given two (nonparallel) lines we can locate their point of intersection.Given a point p and a length r we can draw a circle with radius r centered at the point p.Given a circle we can locate its points of intersection with another circle or line.This list of axioms encompasses everything you can do with a SEC.Book Folded from One Paper, InsideThat is, anything you do with a SEC can be broken down into a sequence of the above operations. Using this axiom list, one can begin to talk about things that cannot be done using a SEC. we can also make geometric constructions with origami, using the side of the paper as the straight edge and folding up to an angle to simulate a compass. Furthermore, trisecting angles and doubling cubes is possible with origami! Seeing this can lead to a greater understanding of why these things are impossible with SEC, and is the main topic of this report.Huzita's Origami Axioms:Paper folding can be quite complex. There are many intricate paper folding exercises, and harnessing the power of origami through a list of axioms, like we did above for SEC, is tricky. The Italian-Japanese mathematician Humiaki Huzita has formulated what is currently the most powerful known set...

Friday, November 22, 2019

GCSE Critical Thinking Basic Guide on Qualifications

GCSE Critical Thinking Basic Guide on Qualifications GCSE Critical Thinking: Basic Guide on Qualifications How accurate the evaluation of someone’s critical thinking can be? There are loads of debates swirling around the ability to critically analyse the surroundings and the above mentioned question because the phenomenon is so abstract and individual that not a lot of educational institutions venture into assessing this skill †¦ except for the ones in the UK. What is GCSE Critical Thinking? GCSE is a certification system that was implemented back in 1988 and overtook other assessment ways. And in 2009 it expanded up to critical thinking. There are 2 types of qualifications you can get by passing GCSE: Advanced Subsidiary GCE (introduction to critical thinking, basic concepts and principles of analysis) Advanced GCE (deeper understanding of critical analysis and evaluation, ability to form fully-featured arguments) There is no strict sequence of taking the exams, you can freely start with the second one if you feel like it. The only thing is that prior to applying for courses you need to obtain a general educational level complying with National Curriculum Level 4. You are also advised to pass a GCSE on the English language with a minimum C score. What Qualifications Are You Supposed to Have in Order to Pass? Critical thinking consists of 2 main elements each of which bears a certain value for this skill. And these 2 components are at the centre of attention during the courses and the exams themselves. Let’s see what they are and which qualifications they are responsible for: Analysis of Reasoning – the ability to split the reasoning into separate parts, mark and categorise them, understand and explain the relationships between those parts. In the sphere of its influence there are a number of knowledge elements you need to have or acquire: Knowing different relevant terms like coherent, structure, opinion, challenge, assess, counter, etc.; Understanding the core difference between an argument and explanation, and situations when they can interlace; Being able to explain the meaning and purpose of analogy, general principles, intermediary conclusion. Evaluation of Reasoning – the ability to determine if the argument is weak or strong and identify the flaws as well as fortes. It is responsible for: Specifying the drawbacks of reasoning by applying the terms like conflation, slippery slope, confusing cause, post hoc, etc. as well as understanding the difference between them; Tracing appeals (means of emotional impact used as tools of persuasion) and categorising them according to their nature (history, authority, tradition, etc.); Being able to use statistics (research findings, surveys, etc.) to evaluate arguments and evidence; Analysing evidence, suggesting possible future outcomes and/or impact of further evidence, proposing conclusions. These are the most important qualifications that you acquire during courses that are provided before certification. Of course, they are not all – for further research on the topic consult But our article will give you a general idea what GCSE paper on critical thinking is all about. Weigh up the pros and cons, choose the level of a certificate and start preparing!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International business finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International business finance - Essay Example On the other hand, too high or too frequently declared cash dividends may deplete internally generated capital, compelling the company to resort to more costly external financing according to the pecking order theory. Miller and Modiligliani (1961) proposed that the value of a firm was not dependent upon its dividend policy (Azzopardi, 2004). Rather than imply that the prospects of a regular cash income are not an important motivation of shareholders to invest in a firm, it is more likely, rather that there are different preferences and investment horizons for different potential investors. Generally a type of firm or industry would tend to attract investors of a similar profile with similar investment expectation, although not to the extent that deviation from one, ideal, type of dividend policy would dissuade potential shareholders from investing. Shareholder wealth is enhanced in two ways: by capital gain through the rise in the price of the stock, and through income distribution in the form of cash dividends. The dividend discount model implies that stock valuation should rise with rising cash dividends. On the other hand, pecking order theory proposes that retention of earnings in the company allows the firm to explore new opportunities for expansion without sourcing additional capital from external, costly sources. Finally, there is the signalling theory that opines that cash dividend declarations conveys the information to investors concerning the company’s long-term sustained earnings potential (Azzopardi, 2004; Kapoor, 2006). Determinants of dividend policy formulation Despite the apparent straightforward relation between dividend policy and stock price that determines shareholder wealth, empirically the relationship between them is not clear cut. There exist conflicting factors that qualify the manner dividend policy impacts upon the firm’s value and, therefore, shareholder wealth (Malla, 2009). The market therefore tends to associate va rious factors with dividend payout, which in turn influence the manner policy makers approach the issues surrounding dividend policy formulation. It is commonly assumed that the best dividend policy is one that increases shareholder wealth by the greatest amount, since it is presumed that the objective of policy setting is to increase the wealth of its shareholders (Adefila, 1995). However, correlation studies of stock prices and dividend policy revealed a relatively loose correlation between shareholder wealth and dividend policy, leading to the conclusion that various internal and external factors affect the formulation of dividend policy, some of which may not impact positively on shareholder wealth in the short term. The studies recommend a holistic approach to the formulation of dividend policy, since shareholder wealth is not the only consideration, nor even the overriding purpose, of setting the dividend pay-out. The findings of Adefila, made two decades ago and in relation t o an emerging market, are consistent even with findings of recent studies conducted in developed markets such as the United States. Gill, Biger & Tibrewala (2010) determined that in the US setting, the particular firm’s industry is also determinative of the typical (if not optimal) dividend payout policy adopted by it. It was found that the dividend payout ratio is dependent upon the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Coursework on Budgets Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

On Budgets - Coursework Example Budgets are prepared in definite procedural definitions. They can be prepared for the business as a whole; they may fall under designated departments. Budgets can also be prepared for functions of the organization such as sales, production or even for the asset utilization of the organization (Hammonds, 2006). A budget can as well be prepared for the resources of the company such as financial resources and even other resource items of the organization such as cash, capital expenses, relevant purchases of the firm and not excluding labor. Work force is the most vital for any firm to run since it is that which supports production and without production there can be nothing much to brag about involvement in business (Label, 2010). Why budget? A budget is not just a tool that can be used for any mere business operations. They are not mere calculations that are simply drawn, calculated and findings just presented. They are elaborate plans hence involves a construction of a plan that is ge ared for use for a quite a longer duration and hence a tool for financial management (Gowthorpe, 2005). A business that operates without a budget is as good as dead since it is likely to experience management difficulties in the organization. Therefore, the main objective of a budget is to help in aiding an organization set objectives or targets to be achieved in specific period in time or time span. After targets are set, they are the guidelines of the business operations. They are the driving force for the business. This is as a result that the business will make all the necessary efforts to ensure that they either fully o r partly achieve these targets (Donovan, 2005). A case in study is where a firm decides that it intends to sell 100000 units of a product in a certain definite financial period for example a year, the firm will obviously make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that the firm will achieve the set target. The arrangements may entail even putting forth a elabo rate and efficient production plan which will ensure constant supply for the sales target. It is true the management will make all the necessary efforts to ensure this objective is arrived at. If the budget is achieved or partly satisfied i.e. about 80% and above. It means that only about 80000 units of sale are made creating room for the analysis of the variation. Then it gives the management a chance to investigate the reasons that this has occurred. In the event that the reasons are identified viable ways of overcoming the causes is exploited to make sure that the problem is eradicated or reduced. This alone is a minimization of the risk of loss of any business. The preparation of a budget is therefore important in the maximization of the profits of the business (Label, 2010). Budgeting principles A proactive and effective budget normally has four basic principles that guide their establishment. These principles entail the following:- One must be conservative in making a budget. Assuming that you were to make budgets far much outside what does not take place. The budget may not be operational on such grounds. Therefore a budget should not be prepared and expecting that the outcome be the same as budgeted. There always has to be a deviation from the normal due to the difference in environments of operation including time line. Another principle is

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Healthy Lifestyle Essay Example for Free

Healthy Lifestyle Essay The Role and Issues that arise of the GetFitCrossFit Organization among adults in Brunei. Health, a fortune I wish upon every woman or man I see for without it she or he will not be able to explore the seas. Although the ideal concept would be for everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, the world is evident that this is difficult to achieve. The leading causes of worldwide deaths are diseases which I believe can be prevented (Grifantini, 2010). Simply, health is a necessary commodity to carry out everyday tasks, and if one would like to carry out a task well, one needs to have a healthy mind, body and soul (World Health Organization, 1948). In Brunei, in the recent years, the government keeps campaigning for healthy lifestyles, banks and other companies hold marathons, GetFitCrossFit organization has been rising and is very popular now. However, although these efforts have its role and aim on maintaining and achieving a healthy lifestyle, it may not be affective. Hence, this essay will elaborate on the role and the effectiveness on the GetFitCrossFit organization among adults in Brunei. First and foremost, it is the members’ responsibility to understand the elements of fitness, examine their present fitness status, decide to begin or continue suitable exercise habits and lastly to determine their health behaviors that need to be changed following appropriate steps (Howley Franks, 1991, p.10). The role of this organization is basically to keep fit and practice a healthy lifestyle. Adding to that, their aim is to make people fast and strong. This organization concentrates on mainly on three fundamental factors that must collaborate in order to benefit from workouts which are exercise, nutrition and recovery. Weightlifting, gymnastics and running are the components used for the exercise in balancing strength an d conditioning. Balanced diet is really important in terms of reducing processed food and sugar and more natural foods (Rodriguez, 2009). As for the recovery, proper sleeping habits are needed, stretching and make the soft tissues work by massage therapy. The GetFitCrossFit organization is organized and thorough with what they do. Members will have a full fitness assessment before starting because each individual will have a safely designed workout done by the committee. Not only will the members be coached during the workout but also in and out of the gym. Everyone in this organization motivates one another and improves by working hard, having determination and a persevering attitude. This organization’s slogan is  Forging Elite Fitness (GetFitCrossFit, 2012). An individual that enters this organization has definitely made a crucial move towards improving or maintaining their present fitness level but there are issues that may arise among adults in Brunei (Howley Franks, 1991, p.10). Firstly, setting goals is important so that there is an aim to strive. If there are no goals, there is no motivation and a clear plan. This will lead to not being able to see any results from start although GetFitCrossFit assist one person in making healthy changes; one person still have to decide on what changes to make. Secondly, some people are afraid of pain, injury and torture that they might encounter hence not wanting to join this organization. Some people may go for the first time and after finding out what it is all about, they give up as they do not have the mindset of putting in efforts to be fit and healthy. Thirdly, GetFitCrossFit has a fixed time resulting in the main biggest reason to not join or stop this organization is that they have no time. This shows that prioritizing is really poor among adults in Brunei. Fourthly, some people are afraid of their reputation. They may be embarrassed on their appearance, the mistakes they may make, having weak health and poor stam ina (Why people stop exercising, 2012). Letting go of bad habits such as reductions in smoking, alcoholic drinking, weight, eating unhealthy food and stress are also the major issues (Howley Franks, 1991, p.211). Lastly, this is rare but some people can’t afford the membership payment which costs hundred dollars per month. Moving on will be the effectiveness of this organization. GetFitCrossFit organization meets every day except on Sundays after 6pm onwards and in the mornings on Saturday. Amazingly, every Tuesday, the GetFitCrossFit outdoor session is held at the University of Brunei Darussalam. The rest of the days, it is held at their gym which is called the box (GetFitCrossFit, 2010). This organization has a blog which will be updated daily to guide their members before the actual workouts in the evenings occur. According to Tobey (1920, p.649), Emerson once stated â€Å"The first wealth is health.† Therefore the members in this organization do not take this as an expense but instead a necessity and money well spent. They see this as an activity of making new friends and having fun as well as getting or keeping fit. Some people get motivated by having a group of people in an organization having to follow rules and regulations rather than exercising alone (Too, 2011). Exercising  and keeping fit does not only improve and maintain fitness level but it can have a huge impact on living longer even not losing weight (Gard ner, 2011). Besides that, GetFitCrossFit promotes its organization really well. For every first Tuesday and Wednesday of the month, eligible students and unemployed may attend their sessions for free (GetFitCrossFit, 2010). The Social Medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Ranoadidas and Bruneitweet plays a big role in advertising their organization (Sheridan, 2012). Even the bruneitweet, Delwin Keasberry, is a member of this organization. Current members share their e xperiences and goals with their colleagues at work, school and their social peers which really motivate them and hence joining this organization. GetFitCrossFit are also known through the newspapers as they help for charities. They also hold motivational talks to different institutions and participate in road shows. In conclusion, exercise and fitness are necessary elements in order to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is definitely clear that in order to live long, one needs to have a healthy life. Although Brunei is trying their best to promote and campaign for healthy lifestyles, the issues as mentioned above may arise. GetFitCrossFit organization has a very good intention, motivation and role but it really depends on how effective the organization is. Advertisement and promotion is really important to show adults in Brunei what GetFitCrossFit clearly does and their aim. To wrap it all up Benjamin Franklin once said that â€Å"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.† (

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Televisions Impact on Health :: Television Health Eating Essays

Television's Impact on Health In our society, television has become quite the vigorous activity. Sitting up is exhausting so most people lie down while watching television. If you were to eat at a fast food restaurant, and then head home for a bowl of ice cream for desert, oh, and then not to mention that bag of chips while you watch your favorite Reality TV series, you are asking for something that you are not going to be happy with. What is it that you are asking for? It is called obesity. I have found myself eating at McDonald’s on countless occasions. The reason I am not obese, however, is the fact you will only find me at a fast food restaurant when I am pressed for time and I am on my way to a three to four hour practice. Obesity has very little to do with what we eat because the true problem behind obesity is none other than the fact that our society does not do anything after eating unhealthily. In Europe, people eat seven to eight meals a day and somehow, the majority of Europeans look fantastic. There is a reason for this. After dinner, they do not sit down on the couch for the 1,000th episode of Fear Factor. Instead, they go out for a long walk around the park with their families. David Zinczenko’s, â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater,† proposes a situation where there is nothing else to eat but fast food. He proves this by saying, â€Å"Drive down any thoroughfare in America, and I guarantee you’ll see one of our country’s 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants,† he explains, â€Å"Now drive back up the block and try to find someplace to buy a grapefruit.† It is true that this statement has much truth. I am sorry to say, sadly, that it has no legitimacy. It seems that Zinczenko is using diction that not only parents can understand, but one that the general public, including those that are uneducated can understand. He uses a variety of sentence structures to lure in his readers and to make his research appear striking. The most appealing part of his essay was the way he spoke in a first person perspective and gave hope to those obese teenagers by telling them that to lose the weight form eating at McDonald’s, they are going to need to join the Navy Reserves or a similar program.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Overview of the Film Freedom Writers Essay

Based on a true story, Freedom Writers is an inspiring film about a young teacher named Erin Gruell (played by Hilary Swank) who chooses to work at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, California. It is a school that is torn by gang violence and racial tension due to the recent integration program in that district. The story begins in 1994, Erin is a newly hired teacher at the high school and is assigned to teach Freshman and Sophomore English. Teaching at the school is nothing like what she expected, as fights constantly break out both inside and outside of the classroom. Additionally, students come to school strapped with guns (if they come at all). The teachers have very little faith in the students and the students have very little faith in Erin Gruell, but as time goes by she develops their trust and respect. Erin throws out her more traditional lesson plans and instead appeals to the students by having them write daily journals about their personal stories. She teaches them about the Holocaust, Anne Frank, and takes them on field trips and to restaurants. At the same time that Erin tries to reach out and inspire these young people, Erin faces a divorce and protests from her fellow coworkers. However, Erin rises above these adversities to inspire her students to soar to new academic and personal heights, none of which they ever thought were imaginable. Erin displays unwavering faith in her students and in their capacity to learn. Likewise, these students find faith in themselves and each other and previous gang, racial, and territorial divides are broken down as students like Eva, Jamal, Marcus, and Brandi gain the courage to do what’s right and improve their lives. The ending is incredibly motivational as Erin gets 35 computers to be donated to her school so that her students can compile their stories from their journals into a book that would eventually be published in 1999. Most of her students went on to college and broke from their previous lives.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Congress of the United States Essay

The chronology of events during the revolution era are: Black Loyalists, A century of Law making for a new constitution, The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources-1745-1799, Letters of Delegates to Congress- 1774-1789, The Rochambeau Map Collection, American Revolutionary War – (dead link). The date for the Declaration of Independence is July 4, 1776, and the US constitution is September 17, 1778. Authority granted to the following government branches; Congress- article 1 states that all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. The President- article II states that the Executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same Term. Lastly is the section three of the judiciary that says; the judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office. Framers’ rationale for a separation of powers in the US Constitution attempts to move beyond the general functional/formal debate by analyzing the views of the contemporary Court’s leading separation of powers functionalist, Justice White, and his effort to create a meaningful doctrine. Faction is the conflict within a nation. Madison in federal paper 10 addresses the question of how to guard against factions, groups of citizens with interests contrary to the rights of others or the interests of the whole community. Republic is an authority derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them, while Democracy is a government of the masses whereby authority is derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct expression. When we compare and contrast the political view of young Madison with mature Madison, it depicts that when he was young, he distrusts political parties and democracy; while he believed that government should reflect the will of the majority, when he got mature. Dahl argues that an individual voter in a state with a smaller population has greater weight than a voter in the more populated state. The reason is that both African Americans and Hispanics are substantially underrepresented due to their greater presence in high-population states as compared to in low-population states. Dahl likes the proportional representation of national elections using a parliamentary system. The advantages are; Parliamentary systems are characterized by no clear-cut separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches, leading to a different set of checks and balances compared to those found in presidential systems, are usually have a clear differentiation between the head of government and the head of state, with the head of government being the prime minister, and the head of state often being the president. The disadvantages of parliamentary systems are; In Presidential system, executive branch in separately elected, meaning that there’s no direct responsibility, numerous, fragmented party system, fusion of powers, dangerous for young democracies. First-past-the-post election system is a single-winner voting system often used to elect executive officers or to elect members of a legislative assembly which is based on single-member constituencies. Having a right to vote has helped due to the expansion of various amendments like; universal suffrage which describe a situation in which the right to vote is not restricted by race, gender, belief or social status. Framers decide to use an electoral college for presidential selection because Electors are technically free to vote for anyone eligible to be President, but in practice pledge to vote for specific candidates and voters cast ballots for favored presidential candidates by voting for correspondingly pledged electors. The electoral college works by allocating each state a number of Electors equal to the number of its U. S. Senators (always 2) plus the number of its U. S. Representatives (which may change each decade according to the size of each State’s population as determined in the Census). A constitution can be amended by proposing an amendment and ratifying an amendment. The president can be removed from the office on impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and misdemeanors. â€Å"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is what Madison said and it is still true up to date. Intent bill of rights was meant to protect the state from the federal interference. The most important on e is the English bill of rights. The tenth amendment states that â€Å"The States should be left to do whatever they can do as well as the federal government†. It reassures the states that they would remain largely in charge within their own borders. Majoritarianism is a traditional political philosophy or agenda which asserts that a majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, or some other identifying factor) of the population is entitled to a certain degree of primacy in society, and has the right to make decisions that affect the society. The political theory of pluralism holds that political power in society does not lie with the electorate, or with small concentrated elite, but is distributed between a wide numbers of groups. Elite theory is a theory of the state which seeks to describe and explain the power relationships in modern society. It argues that a small minority, consisting of members of the economic elite and policy-planning networks, hold the most power no matter what happens in elections in a country. Yes, the judicial is independent of the other branches of the government and external forces. The reason for this is to prevent corruption. The first amendment is an absolute right. John Peter Zenger was a German-born American printer, publisher, editor and journalist in New York City Zenger’s trial was significant because he was fighting for the freedom of speech. Libel is the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government or nation a negative image. Obscenity is a term that is most often used in a legal context to describe expressions (words, images, actions) that offend the prevalent sexual morality of the time. Business administration consists of the performance or management of business operations and thus the making or implementing of major decisions while public administration is the development, implementation and study of branches of government policy. Common law refers to law and the corresponding legal system developed through decisions of courts and similar tribunals, rather than through legislative statutes or executive action. Case law is that body of reported judicial opinions in countries that have common law legal systems. It includes courts’ interpretations of statutes, and also constitutional provisions and administrative rules. Statutory law is written law set down by a legislature or other governing authority such as the executive branch of government in response to a perceived need to clarify the functioning of government, improve civil order, to codify existing law, or for an individual or company to obtain special treatment. The U. S. House of Representatives and then the U. S. Senate are the one who declares war. Yes, the Congress has the authority to veto state legislation. One of the intentions of the founders in designing a new constitution was to ensure that the federal government had sufficient power to run the country. The Supremacy Clause is the common name given to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, which reads: â€Å"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding†. Public administration is boring because it’s full of bureaucracies. Politics is the process by which groups of people make decisions. Politics is generally applied to behavior within civil governments, but politics has been observed in all human group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institutions. Politics consists of social relations involving authority or power, and refers to the regulation of a political unit and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

French and Indian War - French and Indian War Seven Year War

French and Indian War - French and Indian War Seven Year War Previous: 1758-1759 - The Tide Turns | French Indian War/Seven Years War: Overview | Next: Aftermath: An Empire Lost, An Empire Gained Victory in North America Having taken Quebec in the fall of 1759, British forces settled in for the winter. Commanded by Major General James Murray, the garrison endured a harsh winter during which over half of the men suffered from disease. As spring approached, French forces led by the Chevalier de Levis advanced down the St. Lawrence from Montreal. Besieging Quebec, Levis hoped to re-take the city before the ice in the river melted and the Royal Navy arrived with supplies and reinforcements. On April 28, 1760, Murray advanced out of the city to confront the French but was badly defeated at the Battle of Sainte-Foy. Driving Murray back into the citys fortifications, Levis continued his siege. This ultimately proved futile as British ships reached the city on May 16. Left with little choice, Levis retreated to Montreal. For the 1760 campaign, the British commander in North America, Major General Jeffery Amherst, intended to mount a three-pronged attack against Montreal. While troops advanced up the river from Quebec, a column led by Brigadier General William Haviland would push north over Lake Champlain. The main force, led by Amherst, would move to Oswego then cross Lake Ontario and attack the city from the west. Logistical issues delayed the campaign and Amherst did not depart Oswego until August 10, 1760. Successfully overcoming French resistance, he arrived outside of Montreal on September 5. Outnumbered and short on supplies, the French opened surrender negotiations during which Amherst stated, I have come to take Canada and I will take nothing less. After brief talks, Montreal surrendered on September 8 along with all of New France. With the conquest of Canada, Amherst returned to New York to begin planning expeditions against French holdings in the Caribbean. The End in India Having been reinforced during 1759, British forces in India began advancing south from Madras and recapturing positions that had been lost during earlier campaigns. Commanded by Colonel Eyre Coote, the small British army was a mix of East India Company soldiers and sepoys. At Pondicherry, the Count de Lally initially hoped that the bulk of the British reinforcements would be directed against a Dutch incursion in Bengal. This hope was dashed in late December 1759 when British troops in Bengal defeated the Dutch without requiring aid. Mobilizing his army, Lally began maneuvering against Cootes approaching forces. On January 22, 1760, the two armies, both numbering around 4,000 men, met near Wandiwash. The resulting Battle of Wandiwash was fought in the traditional European style and saw Cootes command soundly defeat the French. With Lallys men fleeing back to Pondicherry, Coote began capturing the citys out-lying fortifications. Further reinforced later that year, Coote laid siege to t he city while the Royal Navy conducted a blockade offshore. Cut off and with no hope of relief, Lally surrendered the city on January 15, 1761. The defeat saw the French lose their last major base in India. Defending Hanover In Europe, 1760 saw His Britannic Majestys Army in Germany further reinforced as London increased its commitment to the war on the Continent. Commanded by Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, the army continued its active defense of the Electorate of Hanover. Maneuvering through the spring, Ferdinand attempted a three-pronged attack against Lieutenant General Le Chevalier du Muy on July 31. In the resulting Battle of Warburg, the French attempted to escape before the trap was sprung. Seeking to achieve a victory, Ferdinand ordered Sir John Manners, Marquess of Granby to attack with his cavalry. Surging forward, they inflicted losses and confusion on the enemy, but Ferdinands infantry did not arrive in time to complete the victory. Frustrated in their attempts to conquer the electorate, the French moved north later that year with the goal striking from a new direction. Clashing with Ferdinands army at the Battle of Kloster Kampen on October 15, the French under the Marquis de Castries won a protracted fight and forced the enemy from the field. With the campaign season winding down, Ferdinand fell back to Warburg and, after further maneuvers to expel the French, entered into winter quarters. Though the year had brought mixed results, the French had failed in their efforts to take Hanover. Prussia Under Pressure Having narrowly survived the previous years campaigns, Frederick II the Great of Prussia quickly came under pressure from Austrian General Baron Ernst von Laudon. Invading Silesia, Laudon crushed a Prussian force at Landshut on June 23. Laudon then began moving against Fredericks main army in conjunction with a second Austrian force led by Marshal Count Leopold von Daun. Badly outnumbered by the Austrians, Frederick maneuvered against Laudon and succeeded in defeating him at the Battle of Liegnitz before Daun could arrive. Despite this victory, Frederick was taken by surprise in October when a combined Austro-Russian force successfully raided Berlin. Entering the city on October 9, they captured large amounts of war materials and demanded monetary tribute. Learning that Frederick was moving towards the city with his main army, the raiders departed three days later. Taking advantage of this distraction, Daun marched into Saxony with around 55,000 men. Splitting his army in two, Frederick immediately led one wing against Daun. Attacking at the Battle of Torgau on November 3, the Prussians struggled until late in the day when the other wing of the army arrived. Turning the Austrian left, the Prussians forced them from the field and won a bloody victory. With the Austrians retreating, campaigning for 1760 came to an end. Previous: 1758-1759 - The Tide Turns | French Indian War/Seven Years War: Overview | Next: Aftermath: An Empire Lost, An Empire Gained Previous: 1758-1759 - The Tide Turns | French Indian War/Seven Years War: Overview | Next: Aftermath: An Empire Lost, An Empire Gained A War Weary Continent After five years of conflict, the governments in Europe were beginning to run short of both men and money with which to continue the war. This war weariness led to final attempts to seize territory to use as bargaining chips in peace negotiations as well as overtures for peace. In Britain, a key change occurred in October 1760 when George III ascended to the throne. More concerned with the colonial aspects of the war than the conflict on the Continent, George began to shift British policy. The final years of the war also saw the entry of a new combatant, Spain. In the spring of 1761, the French approached Britain regarding peace talks. While initially receptive, London backed out upon learning of negotiations between France and Spain to widen the conflict. These secret talks ultimately led to Spain entering the conflict in January 1762. Frederick Battles On In central Europe, a battered Prussia was only able to field around 100,000 men for the 1761 campaign season. As most of these were new recruits, Frederick changed his approach from one of maneuver to one of positional warfare. Constructing a massive fortified camp at Bunzelwitz, near Scheweidnitz, he worked to improve his forces. Not believing the Austrians would attack such a strong position, he moved the bulk of his army toward Neisee on September 26. Four days later, the Austrians assaulted the reduced garrison at Bunzelwitz and carried the works. Frederick suffered another blow in December when Russian troops captured his last major port on the Baltic, Kolberg. With Prussia facing complete destruction, Frederick was saved by the death of Empress Elizabeth of Russia on January 5, 1762. With her demise, the Russian throne passed to her pro-Prussian son, Peter III. An admirer of Fredericks military genius, Peter III concluded the Treaty of Petersburg with Prussia that May ending ho stilities. Free to focus his attention on Austria, Frederick began campaigning to gain the upper hand in Saxony and Silesia. These efforts culminated with a victory at the Battle of Freiberg on October 29. Though pleased with the victory, Frederick was angered that the British had abruptly halted their financial subsidies. The British separation from Prussia began with the fall of William Pitt and the Duke of Newcastles government in October 1761. Replaced by the Earl of Bute, the government in London began to abandon Prussian and Continental war aims in favor of securing its colonial acquisitions. Though the two nations had agreed not to negotiate separate peaces with the enemy, the British violated this pact by making overtures to the French. Having lost his financial backing, Frederick entered into peace negotiations with Austria on November 29. Hanover Secured Eager to secure as much of Hanover as possible before the end of fighting, the French increased the number of troops committed to that front for 1761. Having turned back a winter offensive by Ferdinand, French forces under Marshal Duc de Broglie and the Prince of Soubise began their campaign in the spring. Meeting Ferdinand at the Battle of Villinghausen on July 16, they were soundly defeated and forced from the field. The remainder of the year saw the two sides maneuvering for advantage as Ferdinand again succeeded in defending the electorate. With the resumption of campaigning in 1762, he soundly defeated the French at the Battle of Wilhelmsthal on June 24. Pushing on later that year, he attacked and captured Cassel on November 1. Having secured the town, he learned that peace talks between the British and French had begun. Spain the Caribbean Though largely unprepared for war, Spain entered the conflict in January 1762. Promptly invading Portugal, they had some success before British reinforcements arrived and bolstered the Portuguese army. Seeing Spains entry as an opportunity, the British embarked on a series of campaigns against Spanish colonial possessions. Utilizing veteran troops from the fighting in North America, the British Army and Royal Navy conducted a series of combined-arms attacks that captured French Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and Granada. Arriving off Havana, Cuba in June 1762, British forces captured the city that August. Aware that troops had been withdrawn from North America for operations in the Caribbean, the French mounted an expedition against Newfoundland. Valued for its fisheries, the French believed Newfoundland to be a valuable bargaining chip for peace negotiations. Capturing St. Johns in June 1762, they were driven out by the British that September. On the far side of the world, British forces, freed from fighting in India, moved against Manila in the Spanish Philippines. Capturing Manila in October, they forced the surrender of the entire island chain. As these campaigns concluded word was received that peace talks were underway. Previous: 1758-1759 - The Tide Turns | French Indian War/Seven Years War: Overview | Next: Aftermath: An Empire Lost, An Empire Gained

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Rights and Responsibilities of Green Card Holders

The Rights and Responsibilities of Green Card Holders A green card or lawful permanent residency is the immigration status of a foreign national who comes to the United States and is authorized to live and work in the United States permanently.  A person must maintain permanent resident status if he chooses to become a citizen, or naturalized, in the future.  A green card holder has legal rights and responsibilities as enumerated by the U.S. Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency. U.S. permanent residency is known informally as a green card because of its green design, first introduced in 1946. Legal Rights of U.S. Permanent Residents U.S legal permanent residents have the right to live permanently in the United States provided the resident does not commit any actions that would make the person removable under immigration law U.S. permanent residents have the right to work in the United States at any legal work of the residents qualification and choosing. Some jobs, like federal positions, may be limited to U.S. citizens for security reasons. U.S. permanent residents have the right to be protected by all laws of the United States, the state of residence and local jurisdictions, and can travel freely throughout the U.S. A permanent resident can own property in the U.S., attend public school, apply for a drivers license, and if eligible, receive Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, and Medicare benefits. Permanent residents can request visas for a spouse and unmarried children to live in the U.S. and can leave and return to the U.S. under certain conditions. Responsibilities of U.S. Permanent Residents U.S. permanent residents are required to obey all laws of the United States, the states, and localities, and must file income tax returns and report income to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and state taxing authorities. U.S. permanent residents are expected to support the democratic form of government and not change the government through illegal means. U.S. permanent residents must maintain immigration status over time, carry proof of permanent resident status at all times and notify USCIS of change of address within 10 days of relocation.  Males age 18 up to age 26 are required to register with the U.S. Selective Service. Health Insurance Requirement In June 2012, the Affordable Care Act was enacted that mandated all U.S. citizens and permanent residents must be enrolled in health care insurance by 2014. U.S. permanent residents are able to obtain insurance through the state health care exchanges. Legal immigrants whose income falls below federal poverty levels are eligible to receive government subsidies to help pay for the coverage. Most permanent residents are not allowed to enroll in Medicaid,  a social health program for individuals with limited resources until they have lived in the United States for at least five years. Consequences  of Criminal Behavior A U.S. permanent resident could be removed from the country, refused re-entry into the United States, lose permanent resident status, and, in certain circumstances, lose eligibility for U.S. citizenship for engaging in criminal activity or being convicted of a crime. Other serious infractions that could affect permanent residency status include falsifying information to get immigration benefits or public benefits, claiming to be a U.S. citizen when not, voting in a federal election, habitual drug or alcohol use, engaging in multiple marriages at one time, failure to support family in the U.S., failure to file tax returns and willfully failing to register for Selective Service if required.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

International Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

International Finance - Assignment Example These are bills of exchange with a period of maturity of about three months. The bills used for international payments. Credits required by importers to have possession of goods, after which they sell them and pay off their bills (Eighth 2012, pp. 10-12). Hedging happens when importers and exporters engage an agreement to buy and sell goods at a future date in current prices. The significance of this is avoidance of losses that caused by variation of exchange rates (Eighth 2012, pp. 10-12). It is an agreement between two parties in order to exchange currencies. The transaction carried out once for commercial customers and on the subsequent business day for the inter-bank traders (Eighth 2012, pp. 7-8). It is a more refined form of transaction. A technique shelters the borrowing a currency on a collateralized basis (Eighth 2012, p. 5). For instance, the dealer sells  £18,000 forward for dollars. The delivery is in three months at $ 2.4531/ £. The dealer simultaneously buys 18,000,000 forward for the delivery in a subsequent four months at a $ 2.4331. The difference accrued due to the difference between the selling and buying price has an equivalent rate differential. Terms and the number of units of foreign currency that is required to purchase a dollar are most common denominator in foreign currencies (Eighth 2012, pp. 10-12). For example, the exchange rate between the US dollar and the Swiss

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Artifact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Artifact - Essay Example The object has an approximate height of 5 inches; the widest portion of its body has a width of 4 inches, and the three legs have equal height of 3.5 inches. The object’s width is much bigger than its height and one can inscribe it within a form of a rectangle. The primary raw material used to produce the object is wood. The top part is in a circular shape and is firm since it is of a thick wood material. The thickness of this top part is of approximately 2 inches. The surface area of the top part is big enough to allow for anybody sit comfortably on the chair. The legs are firm enough and forms a u-shape to enable them support the weight of the top part firmly and therefore if anyone sits on the stool no matter how heavy he or she is chances of the stool breaking are limited. The wood materials used to construct the object are curved smooth. The object’s top part has two-fit horizontal lines at the part where the top rests and joins the three legs and the other line is at the surface where an individual sits. When one views this object from a side the stool seems to present some V-shapes formed by each two legs. The objects legs are separate from one another at an equal interval and points downwards supporting the top surface. The legs are thick enough to ensure maximum support of the weight of the top part, which seems to be heavy. When one looks at the object from its top, the stool’s top surface seems to present a disc-shape. This means that much of the weight exerted on the stool is supported by the core and the central part of the stool and that why the legs are joined at the outermost part of the top surface for the purpose of maintain balance when an individual sits on the object. This object however consists of four distinctive parts, which include the top body and the three legs. While the legs of the object are in the form of a long rod, its upper portion is in a disc-shape. The top of the object is in

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Female Entrepreneurship in comparison with male entrepreneurs Coursework

Female Entrepreneurship in comparison with male entrepreneurs - Coursework Example It a psychologically belief that their efforts are considered to be untrained and unskilled in comparison to their counterparts. Various researches on entrepreneurship relate to male distinctiveness and focused mainly onto male-dominant area. Few studies considered the female individuality of entrepreneurship with their related actions. Women always had to put some extra effort in order to succeed in putting up a business and then maintaining it in a male dominated working environment. Therefore, women had to gain extra assets through other connections and networking. Mainly women who belong to subordinate classes need major support from their families and friends and the tie ups they make in between through negotiations, in order to set up and maintain a business. Whereas, women from high class families or from middle class families, could independently initiate their business through contacts with their colleagues or with the members of the chamber and association. Moreover, there can be a personal ambition or drive to set up a business of its own or else some other external reasons like the fight to survive, where women believe on their social contacts and networks and utilize it completely to shape up their business entity. II. Female entrepreneurship in comparison with male entrepreneurship: Various studies have reflected that female and male entrepreneurs vary in respect of: their production outcomes; the motivations they get to start up a business; the effort they put up for the progress of their business entity; the extent of their business start-ups; the sort of business they want to start; the performance potential they expect to have for their set up; their preference for any project risk; the technique they apply to identify various business opportunities; the assurance they have in their efforts for start-up; and the consequences that they need to face (Brush, 1992; Carter et al., 1997; Srinivasan, et al., 1993; Boden, 2000; Office of Advocacy, 200 6; Robb and Wolken 2002 ). II. 1. Performance of firms Studies have highlighted that the presentation of new projects led by females lag behind to that led by males. For ventures led by females, factors like sales growth, employment growth, compensation and venture endurance are all considered to be low. (Boden, 2000; Office of Advocacy, 2006; Robb and Wolken 2002; Srinivasan, et al., 1993). The firms owned by women have inferior sales margin and hence could occupy lesser people in their business than that of men-owned enterprises (Fischer et al., 1993). For example, in 2002 the firms owned by females generated about 87585 dollar sales and had employed about 7.79 people in comparison to 12.04 employees and 1862159 dollar sales for those led by men (Office of Advocacy, 2006). Women-owned firms also gained less income than that by men. They generate an average of only 78% of the profit in a similar business led by men. (Robb and Wolken, 2002). Furthermore, 46% of freelanced women earn less than 15000 dollar in 1998, whereas only 21% of freelanced men earned this amount. On the contrary, 16% of freelanced men earned higher than 95,000 dollar, in comparison to 4% of women (Office of Advocacy, 2001). New projects led by women have little chance to survive eventually than the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Greek and Roman Sports

Greek and Roman Sports Ancient Greek and Roman civilization have made many contributions to western civilization. Especially when it comes to politics, trade, and sports. From wrestling to javelin, ancient sports set the pace for some of the sports we have in our day and age, especially the Olympic Games. In Ancient Greek and Romans sports, athletes contested very hard and it was a public display that was a trait of the religious and social life of ancient Greece and Rome (Osborne 15). Ancient athletes trained and participated for physical exercise, competition, and to honor their gods. In this paper I will discuss the Greek and Roman attitudes toward sports. The ancient competition, physically, was relatively different from the sporting events we have now a days. There were far fewer events and only free Greek men (and sometimes boys) were allowed to compete because of the brutality. Also, there weren’t any team sports; every sport was one man against another/others, because they were more concerned about individual merit. Some of the different sports the Greek’s participated in where javelin, running (with and without armor), and discuss. Moreover, some of the more brutal sports they embarked on where wrestling, boxing, and pankration (a form of wrestling and boxing). Some of the games where brutal and you had to participate naked, but it intended on showing the beauty of the human body. The four main cycles of games were the Olympic Games, the Pythian Games, the Isthmian Games, and the Nemean Games (Kyle 48). Romans on the other hand based their sports around warlike displays, most notably the fights amongst gladiators. They included a gladiatorial combat, stage-plays, chariot races, athletic competitions, and a mock naval battle. Without a doubt, the Greek games depended for their entertainment value primarily on rivalry among athletes; while the Roman games were often describe by the staging of battles fought to the death and involved large numbers of human beings and also beasts (Kyle 184). The Roman sporting events I think were more brutal; especially when it comes to the fights amongst gladiators when most of the time they fought to their death. While on the other hand, the Greek’s were involved with the sports and the Roman’s simply watched them and cheered for the participant they wanted to win. In conclusion, the Greek and Roman sports helped create some of the sporting events we have today and definitely started athletic competition. We can clearly see the love for sports in Greek and the Romans. We learn that the ancient Greeks and Romans shaped their own idea about the meaning of life. The Roman games were radically different from the Greek games in several respects. However, their sports show the mindset of the people of that time. The Greeks were more interested in showing off the human body while the Roman’s were more inclined on massacring the human body. I think this shows that compared to the Roman’s, the Greek’s valued human life more. Without a doubt modern Americans would find much of these sports awfully violent; particularly the hundreds of gladiator fights and animal fights, with their many public deaths of both people and animals. Works Cited Osborne, Robin Studies in Ancient Greek and Roman Society. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Kyle, Donald G. Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. New York: Blackwell Pub, 2007.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Hobsons Choice by Harold Brighouse Essay -- Hobsons Choice Harold Br

"Hobson's Choice" by Harold Brighouse Analyse the events of act one and discuss how the playwright, Harold Brighouse prepares the audience for the transformation of Will Mossop's character as seen in act four. Hobson's Choice was set in the Victorian time of 1880. It was written in 1915 and is a Lancashire comedy that also refers to class. When Maggie marries Will, it is seen as a disgrace because Maggie is marrying someone of a lower class. Hobson's choice shows the rise of Will Mossop (a boothand) who is a nervous, unconfident man and how he changes when he marries Maggie, the daughter of Hobson. Maggie is the complete opposite of Will and she transforms him. It shows Hobson and others around them disagreeing with the wedding. In this essay, I am going to analyse the transformation of Will Mossop from act1 to act4 and say how he has changed. We first see Will Mossop when Mrs Hepworth, an important customer of Hobson's enquires about who made the boots that she has. "Who made these boots?" Mrs Hepworth seeks the assistance of Maggie to find out who made the boots, after getting nowhere with Hobson. This puts Hobson out and he still tries to interfere and show his importance. He assures Mrs Hepworth that he will make the man that made them suffer if there is anything wrong with them. "if there is anything wrong I assure you I'm capable of making the man suffer" Will appears from the trap door. He is lanky man who is not stupid, but has been stunted mentally. His clothes are poor and shabby but he has qualities and charm in him. When Mrs Hepworth speaks to him he is nervous and when she goes to give him her card he ducks expecting a blow of her. In the film version when we first... ... doesn't take no for an answer from Hobson. In Conclusion I feel that Maggie is solely responsible for the change in Will. Since she dragged him into marrying her he has changed into a strong, self-confident and self-assured man. At the end of act 1 he shows that he won't be bossed about by Hobson and becomes determined to marry Maggie. He turns into the strongest man in the play from being the weakest. He now knows what he is doing in life and is not afraid of changes as he was at the beginning of the play. He is now successful and respectable but he doesn't gloat or boast over Hobson's misfortunes. At the end of the play he shows of all his new qualities. Will's change has happened for the best for him without a doubt but not for Hobson. Hobson used to be in charge of Will and boss him around but now the tables have turned as Hobson now needs Will.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

“Whitebook”: Cross-Marketing Platform for Luxury Brands in Japan

Ad-comm Group â€Å"Whitebook†: Cross-marketing Platform for Luxury Brands in Japan 1. What is a Whitebook? What role(s) does it play in the Marketing strategy of Ad-comm’s client companies? Answers 15 lines maximum. Whitebook is a cross marketing platform, a magazine that is published in Japan every 4 months and which displays nine luxury brands in nine diverse types of product. The magazine is customized for each luxury sponsors. The Whitebook plays an important role in terms of marketing strategy as it is a brand ambassador and CRM tool.As the Whitebook is mainly distributed through sponsors, the Whitebook targets a prequalified small group of costumers but right ones, right at the beginning. Being displayed in the magazine can be seen a recognition of being a top luxury brand and be therefore an award. The Magazine creates a strong relationship between the brands and the costumers, as the costumers feel privileged to receive special attention from the brand. Moreove r the Whitebook organizes event as well, which gathers customers and one brand.Those events gives the opportunity for luxury brands to create a personal relationship (â€Å"face-to-face† relationship) with its customers, by telling its heritage and answering questions. 2. Take the perspective of the general manager of Porsche Japan. How would you assess the cost effectiveness or ROI of investing 20 million Yen a year to sponsor Whitbook? Would you be willing to be a sponsor? Why or why not? Answer by using a break-even analysis, and by calculating the expected customer lifetime value (i. e. oday’s expected value of a customer’s purchases over the course of his/her life as a Porsche customer). 1 to 2 pages. a. You must know what a break-even analysis is: this is when your return/revenue covers your investment – in other words: how many cars to sell to repay for the investment in Whitebook? b. Customer Lifetime value: refer to the last class definition â₠¬â€œ expected value of a customer over the course of his/her life as a customer = selling price of a Porsche x number of Porsches purchased in a lifetime.Be creative by using the data of the case and common sense. There is no magic formula. I will take your assumptions into consideration. c. Then the cost effectiveness can be assessed by comparing to competitive offerings Porsche sales increased by 4. 55 ( 3000/658= 4. 55 – p. 8) in 6 years. For a luxury brand, democratization of the product also means loss of prestige and exclusivity. Whitebook is a way to keep the luxury image of the brand by creating a special relationship with the best costumers. 20 million Yen represents 2. % of the total marketing budget (p. 8). Assuming that an average price of Porsche is 75 000$ USD , in 6 years they have sold for 175 650 000$ (75 000 x 2320) . 20 million Yen is equal to 214 241. 04$ USD which corresponds to 1 285 446. 24$ USD in 6 years. In terms of break-even analysis and still assu ming the average price of 75 000 $, they need to sell 3 cars (2. 86) (214 241. 04 / 75 000) per year to repay their investment in Whitebook. However, the case mentions that â€Å"10% of the VIP customers own 8-9 Porsches† (p. ), therefore we can assume that Porsche company sells at least 3 cars per year and therefore sponsoring Whitebook is profitable. In terms of Costumer Lifetime value, we shall still assume the average price of 75 000$ USD per car and the number of Porsches purchased in a lifetime of 8. 5 (â€Å"8-9 Porsches† own over lifetime – p. 8). The Costumer Lifetime Value is therefore equal to 637 500 (75 000 x 8. 5). Finally, in terms of cost effectiveness, if we look at exhibit 9, we see that the manufacturer's suggested retail price of Whitebook is best advantageous compared to other selected print media in Japan.The manufacturer's suggested retail price is relatively low (5 000 000 Yen) compared to the number of pages and the location. Let’ s take 25ans’. The MSRP is 4 200 000 Yen for 2 pages on the back cover; compared to 800 000Yen more for Whitebook (therefore 1. 19 more expensive (5 000 000 / 4 200 000 = 1. 19) ) for 3 times more pages inside the magazine for Whitebook. It is then clear that Whitebook is more profitable compared to less expensive magazines in terms of cost effectiveness. Moreover 25ans’ targets women’s luxury, however Porsche and fast cars are commonly known to be of mainly great interest for men.Concerning Esquire, the MSRP is 3 200 000 Yen of 2 pages on the back cover, Whitebook is 1 800 000 more (therefore 1. 5626 more expensive (5 000 000 / 32 000 000)) for 3 times more pages inside the magazine. Thus, Whitebook magazine is more profitable than Esquire. Moreover Esquire targets Men’s fashion/lifestyle only, however purchasing a Porsche can also involve women (Porsche Cayenne for example). Concerning Nikkei Business, the MSRP is 5 680 000 Yen of 2 pages on the back co ver which target business customers. Compare to Whitebook, Nikkei Business is 1. 36 more expensive than Whitebook for less pages. Moreover the Nikkei Business target only business Concerning Asahi Newspaper, the MSRP is 22 500 000 Yen for full page. Compare toe Whitebook, Asahi Newspaper is 4. 5 more expensive. Moreover, Asahi Newspaper targets general public, however Porsche wants to keep the luxury prestige and exclusive image of the brand by investing in a magazine, the target readers doesn’t therefore correspond to the main aim of Porsche. In conclusion, Whitebook is the best investment in terms of cost effectiveness compared to competitive offerings. . Put yourself in the shoes of Andreas Dannenberg. Whitebook exploits opportunities (and leverages strength, addresses weaknesses, and counter threats) in the luxury market and advertising industry, and it helps Ad-comm stay ahead of potential capability improvements by Japanese and multinational competitors. What is Whitebo ok to you? What role(s) does it play in the marketing strategy of Ad-comm itself? Answer by using a SWOT analysis (for Ad-comm) to understand internal and external strategic position. 1 to 2 pages. In terms of Strengths: Whitebook enables to be independent from Japanese Players * Doesn’t have to be subcontracted by Japanese agencies * Target the right costumers * Plays a role of CRM tool * Create privilege relationships between the brands and the costumers * Maintain the luxury and exclusive image of the sponsors * Create events to build a face to face relationship and build a trust relationship in the long run with VIP costumers -> the brand tells stories and heritage to the customer and the Japanese consumption, customers are choosing a brand mainly because of its heritage, recommendations of experts and experiences of family and friends. Plays a role of brand ambassador * Enable luxury companies to display the corporate portfolio * Enable luxury brands to make their cash f lows easier In terms of Weaknesses: * Limited to Japanese market * Limited to the Japanese market * Implementation on international market requires global corporate decision In terms of Opportunities: * Cross-marketing platform * Select prequalified targeted and top-tier customer Create a unique virtual experience for privilege guests as well trough its website and entry key * Track behaviors of target customers * The website tracks behaviors of target customers * Create events which can be an opportunity to launch a new product to a right target costumer * Enable luxury companies to get new costumers * Work as a CRM tool In terms of Threats: * No competitors at the moment because is very selective and the nurture the relationship with the brand. However, competitors can come in the market, target also luxury clientele with more luxury brands or more subcategories * New competitors can come and create other type of cross-marketing platform like a privilege club which enables the bra nds to meet * New competitors can come an create the same magazine suited for the global market or USA market which number of customers are greater 4. What would you do with the expansion opportunities described at the end of the case (pp. 10-13)? Would you pursue: (a) increasing the number of sponsors I the current Whitebook? b) replicating the current Whitebook in overseas market; or (c) developing an alternative Whitebook focused on the new â€Å"edgy† brand market? Why? Answer with Pros and Cons in 1 to 2 pages. (a) Increasing the number of sponsors I the current Whitebook Pros: * Increase flexibility when planning events * Increase quantity of events (number of events) * Increase quality of events, as more VIP customers and sponsor companies are available * Increase the use of CRM tool * Make the relationship between brand and consumer more visible Cons: Additional cost could offset the fixed costs of production * Losing credibility * Losing trust with the brands * Losin g luxury appeal because luxury is based on scarcity and exclusivity (b) Replicating the current Whitebook in overseas market (the best option because:) Pros: * Minimize additional effort and attention required to Whitebook * Provide learning opportunity for the account managers * Can introduce new categories in the book * Multinational sponsor already present in the Japanese version can be included in the overseas version * Already implemented in US, SingaporeCons: * There’s a small budget required by sponsors * The decisions so fare are regional and not on corporate level * Changing the marketing strategy at a global level will be uncontrollable for Whitebook unless they change the whole corporate structure, which possible (c) Developing an alternative Whitebook focused on the new â€Å"edgy† brand market Pros: * Maintain most loyal costumers * Help to acquire innovative customers * Guarantee of 50 000 targeted customers * Involves high-margin brand segments Developin g new relationships with new companies Cons: * Should redirect the target customers on young customers * Being part of a community takes out their own personality and uniqueness * Because edgy brands target young customers and customers prefer interactive marketing tools so edgy brand prefer to invest their marketing budget and events or promotions rather that printing marketing * Change the value of luxury image of the book * Because luxury is based on exclusivity and scarcity, including edgy brands will damage this luxury image

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Research in the Mood

http://dnsc. academia. edu/ennelgArugal Final Paper in PA 231 Public Fiscal Administration Glenne B. Lagura Gaming || Gambling (Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation – PAGCor) Submitted to: DR. ANTONIO M. FAUNILLIAN JR. , MPA Instructor Submitted by: Glenne B. Lagura UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHEASTERN PHILIPPINES BO. OBRERO, DAVAO CITY College of Governance and Business Master of Public Administration April 10, 2012 1 Glenne B. Lagura Outline: I. Introduction a) b) c) d) Background of PAGCor Board of Directors Management PAGCor’s Operational Highlights ? Sources of PAGCor’s income ? PAGCor’s earnings ?PAGCor’s contribution to nation building II. Discussion a) Where does PAGCor’s income go? b) Corporate Social Responsibilities of PAGCor III. Analyses a) Social Problems b) Reduce Revenue? c) PAGCor: Problems and Challenges ? Illegal becomes Legal ? Aware or Unaware? or Aware to be Unaware? ? Institutional Problems d) Anomalies ? Regulate†¦ A uthorize†¦ WATCHED! ? Is gambling a cursed? e) Corruptions f) Recent Issues IV. Possible Solutions and Recommendations a) b) c) d) e) Maintain the Status Quo; PAGCOR to concentrate on its regulatory function; Privatization; Abolish and close PAGCOR; and Formulated solutions from a study.V. VI. Conclusion References 2 I. Introduction A. Background of PAGCor The role and impact of Government-Owned and Control Corporation (GOCC) on the fiscal position of the government and the economy continue to be significant to this day. Despite reforms undertaken in the past, according to the Commission on Audit, there remain around one hundred thirty three GOCCs operating in the areas of agriculture, transportation, infrastructure, public utilities, provision of housing, industrial development and finance. The dismal performance of many of these corporations has contributed to the fiscal deficits of the public sector.As defined under PD 2029, GOCC is â€Å"a stock or a non-stock corporation, whether performing governmental or proprietary functions, which is directly chartered by special law or, if organized under the general corporation law, is owned or controlled by the government directly or indirectly through a parent corporation or subsidiary corporation, the extent of at least a majority of its outstanding capital stock or of its outstanding voting capital stock. † Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCor) is a 100 percent government-owned and controlled corporation.It was established to regulate all games of chance in the country. It was created in 1977 to oversee the operation of gaming casinos, to generate funds for the government’s developmental projects, to promote tourism in the country, and to help curb illegal gambling. PAGCor had an initial authorized capital stock of P5 million which was later increased to P200 million. PAGCor is authorized to borrow money from local or foreign sources. Half of PAGCor’s earnings are remitte d to the Bureau of the Treasury (BOT) to be used in programs and projects as directed and authorized by the Office of the President of the Philippines.This is aside from the mandated beneficiaries which receive funding from PAGCor. Its remaining funds form part of the Social Fund to finance infrastructure and/or socio-civic projects. The Corporation was created during the Martial Law years by virtue of a Presidential Decree (PD 1067-A) in response to calls for the Philippine Government to put a stop to the growing proliferation of illegal casino operations in various parts of the country then. The law creating PAGCor was later amended and consolidated by PD 1896 otherwise known as the PAGCor Charter.Under this Charter, PAGCOR is mandated to: ? Regulate, authorize and license games of chance, games of cards and games of numbers, particularly casino gaming in the Philippines; ? Generate revenues for the Philippine Government’s socio-civic and national development programs; and ? Help promote the Philippine tourism industry. In June 2007, Republic Act 9847 was passed by the Philippine Congress, extending the corporate life of the state-run gaming firm by 25 years, renewable for another 25 years. It also prescribed the following amendments to the PAGCor Charter: 3 ? ? ? ?PAGCor can enter into agreements including joint venture, with any person, firm, association or corporation; Requirements to obtain consent of the local government authority that has territorial jurisdiction over the area chosen as site for any PAGCor’s operations; Exclusion of jai alai from PAGCor operations; and Delimitation of regulatory authority and power over gaming activities covered by other existing franchises, regulatory bodies or special laws. Presently, PAGCor is the third largest revenue-generating arm of the government next to the BIR and the Bureau of Customs.From January to November 2011, PAGCor generated gross revenue of P33. 15 billion, P15. 51 billion of which was channeled to large-scale socio-civic programs. B. Board of Directors The Board of Directors is composed of five (5) members, three (3) of whom shall come from the government sector and shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines and the other two (2) shall come from the private sector who own at least 1 share of stock in the corporation and shall be elected by the stockholders of the corporation in the annual general meeting or in a special meeting called for such purpose.Each Director shall serve for a term of one (1) year and until his successor shall have been duly qualified and appointed. C. Management PAGCor is managed by its Chief Executive Officer who is the concurrent Chairman of the Board. He is assisted by PAGCor’s President and concurrent Chief Operating Officer, a Vice-President for Administration, and various department heads. 134 Personnel management policies set by the Board of Directors govern the hiring of personnel.All employees of the casinos and related services are classified as â€Å"confidential† appointees and their employment is exempt from the provisions of the Labor Code or any of its implementing rules and regulations. As such, employee unions or any form of employee associations are not allowed to be formed to ensure continuous and uninterrupted service to its customers. D. PAGCor’s Operational Highlights PAGCor is engaged in the business of gaming and is the only entity franchised by the government to operate casinos in the country. Its major product lines consist of table games, slot machines, and chip washing.It also offers internet gaming, internet sports betting, and bingo and slot machine demo units. Internationally recognized games like Baccarat, Black Jack, Roulette, Craps, Big & Small, Pai Gow Poker, Stud Poker, Pontoon, and Super 6 are available in its Casino Filipino branches. Aside from table games and slot machines, PAGCor has also expanded its operations to include the conduct and regul ation of bingo games as it expands the image of Casino Filipino from a gaming venue into a vehicle for wholesome entertainment for the whole family. 4 With all those line of business transactions, PAGCor is set to uphold its olicy by constantly upgrading and using a state-of-the-art technology to make it at par with the top gaming destinations of the world as it puts into action its vision of becoming â€Å"A Global Corporation with a Global Mindset and a Filipino Heart. † ? Sources of PAGCor’s Income PAGCor derives bulk of its income from the winnings of the gaming, slot machine and in-house bingo operations of its different casino branches. The corporation also gets substantial earnings from other sources like its other regulated gaming activities such as private licensed casinos, poker operations, commercial bingo operations, E-games and others. PAGCor’s earnings PAGCor is the Philippine government third largest revenue-generating arm, next to the Bureau of I nternal Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau of Customs (BOC). From the time the government went into the direct management’s and supervision of casino operations in 1986 up to December 31 2010, PAGCor generated a staggering gross revenues of P355. 575 billion. ? PAGCor’s contributions to nation building Of the P355. 775 billion total revenues over the last 25 years, PAGCor’s contributions to nation building amounted to P203. 646 billion, which comprised 57% of the agency’s gross earnings during the period.These contributions were in the form of remittances to the BIR and the National Treasury which went directly to government coffers for funding farreaching and wide-ranging national; the Philippines Sports Commission for the training of the country’s national athletes in international sporting events and in cultivating Philippine sports at the grassroots; the Board of Claims to give justice to those who were wrongly accused or prosecuted; hundreds of comm unity development programs of nationwide implemented through the efforts of PAGCor’s casino host-cities which get a share from the corporation’s revenues; and the Presidents Social Fund which has been tapped to finance high impact programs such as construction of school bui8ldings, provision of potable water systems in the countryside, and funding of livelihood programs for the marginalized sectors of society, among others. II. Discussions 5 A. Where does PAGCor’s income go? In accordance with its Charter, PAGCor’s income is distributed in the following manner: ? ? ? ? ? % of net winnings goes to the BIR as franchise tax; 50% of the 95% balance goes to the National Treasury as the National Government’s mandated income share; 1% of the net cash income goes to the Board of Claims, an agency under the Department of Justice, which compensates victims of wrongful detention and prosecution; 5% of the balance after the Franchise Tax and the National Gover nment’s mandated income share goes to the Philippine Sports Commission to finance the country’s sports development programs; and Fixed amount is given to cities hosting Casino Filipino branches for their respective community development projects. Aside from the abovementioned mandatory contributions, PAGCor has also tapped as funding source for the implementation of the following vital laws: ? P 400 million a year or P2 billion in five years to the Early Childhood Car and Development Program; ? P100 million initial funding to the Sports Benefits and Incentives Act; ? P300 million or P10 million a month to the Gasoline Training and Loan fund; ?P250 million to be taken from the remittance to the President’s Social Fund to implement the National Museum Act of 1998; ? P5 million a month to be taken from the National Treasury’s share to support the Comprehensive Dangerous Act of 2002; ? P30 million to fund the Children’s TV Act of 1997; ? P300 million c ontribution to the Barangay Micro Business Development Fund; ? P50 million for the National Book Development Trust Fund; and ? P312 million for the Department of Science and Technology. The remaining balance of PAGCor’s income is then remitted to the President’s Social Fund to help finance the priority projects of the government. Below is the figure indicating the *distribution of the revenue generated by the Corporation. 6 Based on the 2010 Annual Report of PAGCOR Figure 1: Income Distribution of PAGCor B. Corporate Social Responsibilities of PAGCor The following are the activities conducted by PAGCor as appended in the Annual Report 2011 of the institution: 1. 2. 3. 4. Bringing basic social services closer to the Filipino masses Helps blast victims get back on their feet – literally Restoring he Pasig River back to life Sharing the Gift of Hope – Pamaskong Handog III. Analyses As the third largest revenue generator in the country, PAGCor plays a vital r ole in the economic development and took part of responsibility with regards to fiscal advancement of the country.Aside from the bulk income generated by this institution, it attracts also the foreign investors to invest in this kind of business thus promoting the country as a tourist spot in terms of legal gaming and gambling. Even by that, though it brought a cause for the alleviation of the economic situation as per scrutiny, as a counterpart, it conveys some consequences and also faces problems and issues. The following sited situations prevails the point of view of the owner of this paper as to the current situation of PAGCor and its effects to the community. Further, some contents of this part contain documentation of issues and problems base from the current news and information cited from different reliable sources. Moreover, the views and opinions of the presenter do 7 ot necessarily reflect the contents or discussion of the neither class nor stand point of the subject inst ructor, thus all the generated opinions are purely coming from the presenter. ? Social Problems With the initial concept of regulating and legalizing any games of chance and gambling in the country in order to raise revenue, presently it gives an idea to the common people to formulate their own versions of establishing in any ways and means which are now considered to be as illegal. Some of the few illegal or unauthorized games or activities that exist are the following: cockfighting, jueteng, horse racing bingo and other forms of lotteries, slot machines other mechanical contraptions and devices and online gambling. All the above mentioned activities are against the PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 602 wherein it prescribes stiffer penalties on illegal gambling. Aside from the fact that it contradicts the law of the land, reality check, these illegal actions became a part of the regular activities of those individuals in a community who are engaging their selves to be part of these. Worse c omes to worst, these brought an obvious social problems which we encountered nowadays. It entices everyone, old and young even children to be involved in these activities. At an early age, children at this time learn the knowhow of involving their selves in these activities which brought pessimist consequences with regards to their studies and to the habitual lifestyle of the people.This reality is pretended to be unknown to all of us, considered to be a usual activities and unfortunately, big officials are the one who is behind under this operations. If it is the rule of the PAGCor to regulate these illegal activities, then who is in charge of implementing necessary actions to those who make these obvious offenses? What actions were countered already with regards to discontinuing these rampant activities which resulted to crime, death and other anti-humanitarian acts? Is the subject institution took already a response to the matter? Below is a statement quoted about illegal gamblin g by Roy Q. Lagarde in his article â€Å"The Scourge of Legalized Gambling†. Gambling’s negative consequences are even more formidable than the flaunted revenues to subsidize purportedly government’s social services programs. One which is a visible problem is crime. Historically, crime increases where gambling is legal. Studies showed that problematic gamblers sometimes turn to criminal activities to support their habit. Gamblers often deal drugs, embezzle, or steal to get money to gamble or to pay gambling debts. Prostitution, and general sexual immorality, likewise rises because of immoral entertainment provided in and near gambling houses. In fact, alongside with most gambling dens in Metro Manila KTV bars have sprouted like mushrooms, many of which conspicuously display Japanese characters and signs recruiting GROs. † 8 ? Reduce Revenue?It is visible already to the eyes of everybody the existence of those activities which are considered as illegal as t o the fact that PAGCor is the only institution that is authorizes to establish and to lead those activities. What a misery to imagine that even by now those establishment which are considered to be illegal in their operation are still in service of doing their unlawful work. Fortunate to the forefront of this criminal movement, it becomes a huge and growing business. Is the institution PAGCor, doesn’t bother to imagine what would be the effect of those growing illegal establishment in every region as to the income that is supposed to be generated by the institution? Accessibility wise, those illegal establishments can be nearly reach compare to those firms which are authorized to do such legal acts.If the PAGCor is the one also mandated to regulate those unlawful actions what possibly be the actions to be undertaken for the purpose of first, taking good care at their primary economic reason of generating revenue for the Republic of the Philippines, second, assessing their rol e as to the regulation of these rampant rising activities, third preventive measure of responding to this situation and last lawful actions that are needed to be done. ? PAGCor: Problems and Challenges A. Illegal? becomes Legal? Gambling is a major social problem in the country. Not even the ouster of President Joseph Estrada from Malacanang Palace, on charges of receiving â€Å"jueteng† money from syndicates, could abate the problem. Jueteng is said to be a P40-billion business in the Philippines, annually. The need to answer and to come up a solution as to the problem of rampant increase of illegal gambling in the country is quite an undying issue. It can be considered as an infinite problem in algebra, the constant looking for the value of â€Å"x† and â€Å"y†.In that case, the never-ending issue of the involvement of those influential persons is considered as the main angle to relate in this situation. Some if not many of the government officials in the cou ntry are involved in these illegal gambling and heard to be as the organizer and supporter of the prohibited gambling and gaming activities. â€Å"Philippine gambling laws permit a wide variety of licensed and taxed gaming options, yet Jueteng, the nation’s most popular game, is illegal and remains firmly in the hands of organized crime†, this statement was stressed in the article of Alex Nevsky, â€Å"Government Official Involved in Illegal Sports Betting in the Philippines† at the internet site www. gamingzone. om last April 26, 2011, where it was sited also the allegedly involvement of an administration employee in illegal gambling including operating illegal jai alai games and promoting online casino in the country. B. Aware or Unaware? Or Aware to be Unaware? In the published article â€Å"Is PAGCor a betting illegal gambling? † of Alejandro del Rosario at Manila Standard Today Newspaper last December 10, 2011, Senator Aquilino â€Å"Koko† Pim entel questioned the proliferation of gambling houses in the country. He queried also if the certain institution (PAGCor) is properly regulating the operation of these casinos which seem to 9 sprout like wild mushrooms. Senator Pimentel stated that PAGCor seems remiss in regulating the operation of these private casinos and electronic betting houses and lax in the granting of licenses to them.During that time, Pimentel heads the Senate committee on games and amusement, thus he seek to address the adverse effects of these gambling houses on the youth and the rising incidence of crime. C. Institutional Problems The following problems were cited based on the thesis of Cecilio Villanueva entitled â€Å"The Philippine Amusement & Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) as Government Regulator and Operator of Legalized Gambling: It's Implications for National Security† which was published at www. ndcp. edu. ph last 2008: ? Unclear regulatory functions and procedures in registration/affiliation and granting of licenses; ? Lack of coordination with the Securities and Exchange Commission, DTI and other regulatory bodies; ?Relationship with the newly created Economic Zones Coordinate with PEZA and other entities empowered by law for economic zones; ? Relationship with the Local Government Units (LGUs); ? Problems with text scams; ? Casinos located close to each other; ? Operator Functions Gambling scams and syndicates / foreign terror groups; ? Arrogance/rudeness of the players; ? Overbearing presence of hookers and financiers to the disgust of players; ? Old and out-modeled machines and other gaming equipments; ? Church’s continued opposition to PAGCOR ; ? Perception of graft and corruption; ? Discipline/Attitudes of employees; ? So many employees of PAGCOR; ? More PAGCOR officials and employees being pirated for work abroad; ?Tourism Development Political intrigues; ? Financial Capacities ; ? How to continue with high income; ? Threat of privatization; ? Too much ex penses for non-organic personnel; and ? PAGCOR lagging behind in Asian Gaming Industry. Even by now, as we can see and heard at the news, with the recent issues PAGCor is facing, we can somewhat say that the institution is still trying to fix what is not being fixed out of those above cited problems. ? Anomalies A. Regulate†¦ Authorize†¦ WATCHED! In line with the article of Alejandro del Rosario, as accorded by Senator Pimentel, the issue is not the big revenue that can be generated by those casinos but they too need to be watched.The Senator recall incidences in past administrations when casino handlers were suspected of skimming from the revenue, where it should be that a portion of the revenue earned from these 10 casinos is supposed to go the President’s social amelioration fund. He added that the problem is the existence of small private gambling houses that propagate in many areas including residential ones. Signages of private poker clubs are everywhere and w hen it comes to the gambling houses, all are well shuttered with a guard-doorman usually stationed at the entrance and by that, we can only imagine what else goes on in there. B. Is gambling a cursed? In the paper of Roy Q.Lagarde it was stated by far also, there have been more accusations of anomalous transactions in PAGCOR including the P489 million in rents PAGCOR paid to the Hyatt Manila Hotel and Casino, and the hiring of 116 consultants, 103 retainers and many directors in exclusive clubs. It was further cited also in the said paper the standpoint of Francisco Tatad, erstwhile senator, whom charged Arroyo and some legislators for covering-up allegedly allowing PAGCOR to continue its operation. The senator explained the fact that PAGCOR was created under PD 1067-A, with a 25-year franchise to operate under PDs 1067-A, 1067-B and 1067-C, all issued on January 1, 1977. These decrees were, however, consolidated into one PD-No. 869 on July 11, 1983 without changing the 25-year cont ract, thus, the franchise was to expire January 1, 2002. But the Arroyo administration allegedly railroaded last December a bill which misrepresents the 25-year franchise as having taken effect on July 11, 1983 instead of Jan. 1, 1977, and expiring only on July 11, 2008 instead of having already expired on Jan. 1, 2002. ? Corruptions â€Å"The biggest problem, in a word, is corruption or at least the potential for it. In many years, not only few government officials have been implicated in gambling-related scandals. Members of House of Representatives constantly sat down in a session to address alleged scandals in the country’s gambling industry.Legislators have been demanding that the PAGCOR open its books to an audit so that the people will be able know how the ‘gaming’, if gambling, government corporation spends billions of pesos it earns from its operations. â€Å"Where do these revenues go and how does the general public benefit from them? † Rep. Cri spin Beltran asked during a House session. â€Å"It’s apparent that for all of PAGCOR’s projections that it donates millions to socio-civic projects of the government and contributes to charities, billions more are pocketed by its officials and their business partners in the private sector. PAGCOR is a government institution where corruption is inherent and undeniable. † quoted from the article â€Å"The Scourge of Legalized Gambling† by Roy Q. Lagarde at www. impactmagazine. net. To continue, Rep.Robert Jaworski said â€Å"From what I heard, PAGCOR is the Santa Claus for a lot of government officials and there is no way we could verify this report because of questionable disbursement procedures. I was also surprised that most of its finances are not covered by any auditing mechanism by Commission on Audit†. In factual basis, for several years, PAGCOR’s contributions to the President’s Social Fund did not pass through the National Tre asury until the 11 implementation of E-VAT recently, imposing a 10 percent tax on services not previously covered by the old VAT law including PAGCOR. ? Recent issues IV. Possible Solutions and Recommendations A. PAGCOR to concentrate on its regulatory function The idea of separating the roles of PAGCor is a situation that they should delve into.It is favorable to imagine separating the role of regulator and operator in order for the institution to focus in its focal function though it requires thorough revision. In an article from Philippine Star, â€Å"Palace: Separating PAGCor roles needs further study† by Delon Porcalla last March 05, 2012, Abigail Valte, deputy presidential spokesperson pointed out that Malacanang hinted already the amendment of separating the dual role of PAGCor but it requires further study. Further, PAGCor chairman and chief executive officer Cristino Naguiat Jr. , admitted that the idea requires congressional action which means going through the legi slative mill all over again .Naguiat said, PAGCor is open to spinning off its casino operations and retaining its regulatory role, to enable it to focus more on monitoring and policing the growing gambling business in the country. He stressed however that doing so would not be easy and that a closer study should be done. The scheme, if implemented, will have an impact on PAGCor’s financial commitments to national government and sports agencies. B. Privatization In an article of Francis Earl Cueto â€Å"Gambling is Life†, Edward King, spokesman for PAGCor chairman Efraim Genuino, told The Manila Times that first and foremost, one thing that people should remember is that PAGCor is a creation of law. The issue of privatizing PAGCor is also very controversial, with several lawmakers pushing for it and even more congressmen against it.King said that while the act can be considered purely from the noble and idealistic viewpoint that government should not be in the business of gambling, one has to think from the point of view of generating funds for the government. In addition, King said that if the government would privatize PAGCor, then all income goes to the private sector leaving only a small amount in taxes being paid to the government coffers. â€Å"If you give PAGCor to the private, they will just be paying taxes. There is a huge difference between a fraction of income from taxes to 100 percent, â€Å"King said. To comment with the situation, the issue of privatizing PAGCor in order to divest itself of assets to be more productive in the hands of the private sector would somewhat be an issue that talks a lot.The idea of transferring the management of the said institution into the private one for better management and proper delineation of function is a good thing to be heard, it could be beneficial in many ways. But, in my own perception, this dream might be turned into a great nightmare. We don’t know if those lawmakers/government offi cials have their own personal and hidden agenda of buying and operating 12 PAGCor as we could not deny the fact that the institution is producing bulky of pennies. This is the simple analogy, privatize PAGCor then, they get the income; the lawmakers may perhaps be getting their own kickbacks from certain lobby groups who want PAGCor for their personal purpose.If PAGCor will fall to the hand of those private individuals, then who will now regulate the activities of PAGCor? The point of arriving to this situation – selling another GOCC – emanates from the idea of poor management, corruption and undying anomalies. If that is the case, then the target is to seize the rats that slowly rotten the house and scrutinize the system and procedures brought by those pests. C. Abolish and Close PAGCOR. The call for the abolition of the government’s legitimate gambling institutions came as their funds were allegedly being used for political rather than charitable purpose. The recommendation to shut down Pagcor could be a â€Å"major reaction† because of reports of fund misuse, Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte said.To note with the issue, let us not forget that the ultimate goal of the mandate of PAGCOR, is to provide assistance to those in need. It is better to put in place systemic reforms first and see whether these systemic reforms will work before we talk about what really should be done to the agencies. In another way, it is indeed a fact that the institution is generating bulky income which serves as a great help in giving financial support for the economic development of our country. D. Formulated Solutions from thorough study As per cited abovementioned problems in the thesis of Cecilio Villanueva, below are the suggested solutions as respective counterpart: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Issue clear guidelines on licensing, grants of authority; Establish linkages with the SEC, DTI and other regulatory agencies; Establi sh clear operational guidelines with the L GUs in view of RA 9487 Seek clear guidance from NTC, DTI and other government agencies; Review zonal locations of the casinos or centers being applied for; Deputize PAGCOR to curb illegal gambling; Launch PR campaign / Security Measures ; Beef up security / Investments in CCTV cameras; Find partners under the 60/40 arrangements Corporate Social Responsibilities; Foster good relations with the Church; Establish Resident Ombudsman and COA to issue or make public records for transparency; Seminars on values, productivity; Strengthen the Disciplinary Board; Screening, testing of pplicants; Merit system; Human Resource Development; Loyalty awards; Focus more on hotel industry/ tourism; Vigorous marketing efforts to attract players; 13 Glenne B. Lagura http://dnsc. academia. edu/ennelgArugal ? ? ? In-depth study on privatization; Contract-out the services of the non-organic personnel; and Vigorous marketing efforts. V. Conclusion Despite the surg e of PAGCor income that has succeeded immensely in supporting the cash-strapped government, several lawmakers, nongovernment organizations and especially the religious sector are still firmly against government engaging in the business of operating casinos. Many Filipinos have long suspected that gambling money finances political campaigns in this country. But this has never been established as fact.The politicians who benefit from gambling funds will certainly lack the political will to spearhead an investigation. Reflecting the sentiments of the political leadership, law enforcers will also have no interest in verifying those perceptions. There are cops who even openly admit that gambling money finances police operations in certain areas of the country. Complicating the problem is the unsure state policy on gambling, which deprives the government of the moral high ground to crack down on illegal numbers games popular among the poor such as jueteng. Despite new laws imposing stiffe r punishment for illegal gambling, jueteng continues to thrive and enrich gambling lords.The government could go after these gambling barons and plug one of the largest sources of corruption by applying new laws against money laundering or even old laws on tax evasion. Lawmakers could pass legislation that will compel transparency in campaign contributions. It may be impossible to stop Filipinos from gambling, but it is not impossible to discourage the corruption that is endangered by illegal gambling Unfortunately for the nation, political will has always been lacking in both the executive and legislative branches when it comes to stopping the flow of money, especially big money, regardless of the source. The status quo has worked for the typical Filipino politician, whose attitude is, if it ain’t broke, why fix it?On the other hand, the idea of Senator Ralph Recto that the PAGCOR pork should go to national budget is agreeable it applies the mere saying â€Å"Prevention is better than Cure†. This is to prevent also the abuse of misusing the money which can be avoided if the discretionary funds were written into the General Appropriations Act (GAA) or the national budget. 14 References: Newspaper/ Published Journals: Burning House Infested with Rats is not Right Solution to Problem. Philippine Daily Inquirer ( January 16, 2012). Retrieved March 1, 2012 from http://opinion. inquirer. net/21183/burning-house-infested-withrats-is-not-right-solution-to-problem Cabacungan, G. (2012, February 28).Lawmakers rally round PAGcor, move to ban Wynn. Philippine Daily Inquirer. 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